This article presents the results of Data Collection Component (DCC) performance testing for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Managment (CLM) release. The DCC is introduced in 5.0 release, in order to provide a solution to solve the current problems of ETL. The DCC can help to improve the performance of the DM and JAVA ETL by optimizing round tips to datasource and using the concurrent processing to fetch data. The DCC also improved the utilization of the system resources of the server. This article will show the performance benchmark of the DCC testing and also provide the comparison with JAVA ETL and DM ETL.
The information in this document is distributed AS IS. The use of this information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the customer’s ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer’s operational environment. While each item may have been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk. Any pointers in this publication to external Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of these Web sites. Any performance data contained in this document was determined in a controlled environment, and therefore, the results that may be obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.
Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multi-programming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.
This testing was done as a way to compare and characterize the differences in performance between different versions of the product. The results shown here should thus be looked at as a comparison of the contrasting performance between different versions, and not as an absolute benchmark of performance.
We use predominantly automated tooling such as Rational Performance Tester (RPT) to simulate a workload normally generated by client software such as the Eclipse client or web browsers. All response times listed are those measured by our automated tooling and not a client.
The diagram below describes at a very high level which aspects of the entire end-to-end experience (human end-user to server and back again) that our performance tests simulate. The tests described in this article simulate a segment of the end-to-end transaction as indicated in the middle of the diagram. Performance tests are server-side and capture response times for this segment of the transaction.
The testing is based on 3 CLM repositories with same data volume, which are generated using data population tool. And use DCC server, Data Manager tool client and CLM JAVA ETL component to load the data into data warehouse. The testing run the JAVA,DM and DCC ETL based on one CLM repository, in order to get the performance comparison of DCC compared with JAVA and DM ETL. And also run the DCC ETL based on 3 CLM repositories , in order to get the performance comparison of DCC with JAVA, DM ETL and DCC based on 3 CLM repositories.
The topology under test is based on Standard Topology (E1) Enterprise - Distributed / Linux / DB2.
The specifications of machines under test are listed in the table below. Server tuning details are listed in Appendix A
Test data was generated using automation. The test environment for the latest release was upgraded from the earlier one by using the CLM upgrade process. Please see the system configuration in the under table. And refer to the server tuning details listed in Appendix A
IBM Tivoli Directory Server was used for managing user authentication.
Function | Number of Machines | Machine Type | CPU / Machine | Total # of CPU Cores/Machine | Memory/Machine | Disk | Disk capacity | Network interface | OS and Version |
ESX Server | 2 | IBM X3550 M3 7944J2A | 1 x Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5 GHz (six-core) | 12 vCPU | 48GB | RAID0 SAS x3 300G 10k rpm | 900G | Gigabit Ethernet | ESXi5.1 |
ESX Server2 | 1 | IBM X3650 M3 | 2 x Intel Xeon x5680 3.3GHz (six-core) | 24 vCPU | 191GB | RAID5 SAS x8 300G 10k rpm | 2T | Gigabit Ethernet | ESXi5.1 |
ESX Server3 | 1 | IBM X3650 M4 | 2 x Intel Xeon x5680 3.3GHz (12-core) | 48 vCPU | 196GB | RAID5 SAS x8 900G 10k rpm | 5.7T | Gigabit Ethernet | ESXi5.1 |
JTS/RM Server | 3 | VM on IBM System x3550 M3 | 4 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 | ||
CLM Database Server | 3 | VM on IBM System x3650 M3 | 4 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 | ||
CCM Server | 3 | VM on IBM System x3550 M3 | 4 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 | ||
QM Server | 3 | VM on IBM System x3550 M3 | 4 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 | ||
CLM DCC Server | 1 | VM on IBM System x3650 M4 | 16 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 | ||
Data Warehouse Server | 1 | VM on IBM System x3650 M3 | 4 vCPU | 16GB | 120G | Gigabit Ethernet | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.2 |
The data volume listed in Appendix B
All server machines and test clients are located on the same subnet. The LAN has 1000 Mbps of maximum bandwidth and less than 0.3 ms latency in ping.
This part is target to get the performance gain of DCC ETL compared with JAVA ETL and DM ETL based on one CLM repository. Before CLM 5.0, CLM provided JAVA ETL to load the CLM data from the applications one by one who registered on the JTS server. One typical CLM deployment has one JTS, CCM, QM and RM application registered on the JTS. The JAVA ETL will load the data in sequence with following apps: JTS, CCM,QM, RM and Star. The total duration is the sum of ETL duration of all applications. So does DM ETL. DCC provide the capability to load the applications data parallelly. So the total duration is the slowest duration among the ETLs of specific applications.
The chart shown the performance gain of DCC compared with JAVA and DM ETL based on one CLM repository. The DCC has two major improvements on :
1. DCC performance has a significant improvement per the comarison of JAVA and DCC ETL, based on performance test data. The duration reduced from 48 hours to 16 hours. And for the duration of specific applications, the DCC also has a significant improvement. Improved about 30% on QM loading, 20% on RM loading, 60% on CCM loading and 90% on Star job.
2. DCC duration also has a significant improvement per the comarison of DM and DCC ETL, based on performance test data. The duration reduced from 139 hours to 16 hours. The major improvements are the RRC ETL and RQM ETL. RQM loading improved about 60% and RRC loading improved about 85%.
Row 1. DCC : The DCC load the CLM apps data concurrently based on one CLM repository.
Row 2. JAVA : JAVA ETL load the CLM apps data sequently based on one CLM repository.
Row 3. DM : DM ETL load the CLM apps data sequently based on one CLM repository.
This part is target to get the performance gain of DCC ETL compared with JAVA ETL and DM ETL based on multiple CLM repositories. In theory, the DCC will save more time of ETL along with more CLM repositories to be loaded. Because, DCC can load all of the CLM applications concurrently.
In this test senario, DCC loads 3 CLM repositories data (One CCM,QM,RM application registered on per CLM repository) concurrently. The DCC has two major improvements on :
1. DCC performance has a significant improvement per the comarison of JAVA and DCC ETL, based on 3 CLM repositories. The duration reduced from 144 hours to 34 hours. And for the duration of specific applications, the DCC also has a significant improvement. Improved about 30% on QM loading, 20% on RM loading, 60% on CCM loading and 90% on Star job.
2. DCC duration also has a significant improvement per the comarison of DM and DCC ETL, based on 3 CLM repositories. The duration reduced from 416 hours to 16 hours (96% improved). And for the duration of specific applications, the DCC also has a significant improvement. Improved about 70% on QM loading, 90% on RM loading and 55% on CCM loading.
Row1. DCC_3_Repo : The DCC loads 3 CLM repositories data concurrently.
Row2. JAVA_3_Repo_Sequently : The JAVA ETL loads 3 CLM repositories in sequence. And for one CLM repository loading, JAVA ETL loads the apps in sequence as well.
Row3. DM_3_Repo_Sequently: The DM ETL loads 3 CLM repositories in sequence. and for one CLM repository loading, the DM ETL loads the apps in sequence as well.
Product |
Version | Highlights for configurations under test |
DCC | DCC 5.0 | DCC Data Collection Properties:
Data warehouse | DCC 5.0 / DB2 10.1.1 | Transaction log setting of data warehouse:
db2 update db cfg using LOGFILSIZ 40960 db2 update db cfg using LOGPRIMARY 50 db2 update db cfg using LOGSECOND 100 |
IBM WebSphere Application Server | | JVM settings:
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xverbosegclog:gc.log -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xmx8g -Xms8g -Xmn1g -Xcompressedrefs -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=0x100000000 -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1g
DB2 | DB2 10.1.1 | Transaction log setting of data warehouse:
db2 update db cfg using LOGFILSIZ 40960
LDAP server | IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3 | |
License server | Hosted locally by JTS server | |
Network | Shared subnet within test lab |
Record type | Record Per Repository | Total Count for 3 repositories | |
CCM | APT_ProjectCapacity | 1 | 3 |
Project | 1 | 3 | |
APT_TeamCapacity | 0 | 0 | |
Build | 0 | 0 | |
Build Result | 0 | 0 | |
Build Unit Test Result | 0 | 0 | |
Build Unit Test Events | 0 | 0 | |
Complex CustomAttribute | 0 | 0 | |
Custom Attribute | 0 | 0 | |
File Classification | 3 | 9 | |
First Stream Classification | 3 | 9 | |
History Custom Attribute | 0 | 0 | |
SCM Component | 2 | 6 | |
SCM WorkSpace | 2 | 6 | |
WorkItem | 100026 | 300078 | |
WorkItem Approval | 100000 | 300000 | |
WorkItem Dimension Approval Description | 100000 | 300000 | |
WorkItem Dimension | 3 | 9 | |
WorkItem Dimension Approval Type | 3 | 9 | |
WorkItem Dimension Category | 2 | 6 | |
WorkItem Dimension Deliverable | 0 | 0 | |
WorkItem Dimension Enumeration | 34 | 102 | |
WorkItem Dimension Resolution | 18 | 54 | |
Dimension | 68 | 204 | |
WorkItem Dimension Type | 8 | 24 | |
WorkItem Hierarchy | 0 | 0 | |
WorkItem History | 282369 | 847107 | |
WorkItem History Complex Custom Attribute | 0 | 0 | |
WorkItem Link | 101014 | 303042 | |
WorkItem Type Mapping | 4 | 12 | |
RM | CrossAppLink | 136 | 408 |
Custom Attribute | 2173181 | 6519543 | |
Requirement | 634432 | 1903296 | |
Collection Requirement Lookup | 0 | 0 | |
Module Requirement Lookup | 306000 | 918000 | |
Implemented BY | 0 | 0 | |
Request Affected | 0 | 0 | |
Request Tracking | 0 | 0 | |
RequirementsHierarchyParent | 31610 | 94830 | |
Attribute Define | 10 | 30 | |
Requirement Link Type | 176 | 528 | |
Requirement Type | 203 | 609 |
QM | Record type | Record Per Repository | Total Count for 3 repositories | |
TestScript | 0 | 0 | ||
BuildRecord | 20000 | 60000 | ||
Category | 520 | 1560 | ||
CategoryType | 120 | 360 | ||
Current log of Test Suite | 6000 | 18000 | ||
EWICustomAttribute | 0 | 0 | ||
EWIRelaLookup | ||||
ExecResRelaLookup | ||||
EXECRES_EXECWKITEM_LOOKUP | 540000 | 1620000 | ||
EXECRES_REQUEST_LOOKUP | 60000 | 180000 | ||
ExecStepResRequestLookup | 0 | 0 | ||
ExecutionResult | 540000 | 1620000 | ||
ExecutionStepResult | 0 | 0 | ||
ExecutionWorkItem | 180000 | 540000 | ||
Job | 0 | 0 | ||
JobResult | 0 | 0 | ||
KeyWord | 0 | 0 | ||
KeyWordTestScriptLookup | 0 | 0 | ||
LabRequestChangeState | 0 | 0 | ||
LabRequest | 2520 | 7560 | ||
LabResource | 24000 | 72000 | ||
Objective | 0 | 0 | ||
Priority | 4 | 0 | ||
RemoteScript | 0 | 0 | ||
Requirement | 0 | 0 | ||
Reservation | 32000 | 96000 | ||
ReservationRequestLookup | 30 | 90 | ||
ResourceGroup | 0 | 0 | ||
ScriptStep_Rela_Lookup | 240000 | 720000 | ||
State | 240 | 720 | ||
StateGroup | 60 | 180 | ||
TestCase | 60000 | 60000 | ||
TestCaseCustomAttribute | 0 | 0 | ||
TestCaseRelaLookup | ||||
TESTCASE_TESTSCRIPT_LOOKUP | 60000 | 180000 | ||
TESTCASE_CATEGORY_LOOKUP | 161060 | 483180 | ||
REQUEST_TESTCASE_LOOKUP | 60000 | 180000 | ||
TestCase RelatedRequest Lookup | 0 | 0 | ||
TestEnvironment | 4000 | 12000 | ||
TestPhase | 1200 | 3600 | ||
TestPlan | 110 | 330 | ||
TestPlanObjectiveStatus | 0 | 0 | ||
TestPlanRelaLookup | ||||
TESTPLAN_TESTCASE_LOOKUP | 60000 | 180000 | ||
TestScript | 60000 | 180000 | ||
TestScriptRelaLookup _ Manual | ||||
TestScriptRelaLookup _ Remote | 0 | 0 | ||
TestScriptStep | 240000 | 720000 | ||
TestSuite | 6000 | 18000 | ||
TestSuite_CusAtt | 0 | 0 | ||
TestSuiteElement | 90000 | 270000 | ||
TestSuiteExecutionRecord | 6000 | 18000 | ||
TestSuiteLog | 30000 | 90000 | ||
TestSuiteRelaLookup | ||||
TESTSUITE_CATEGORY_LOOKUP | 15950 | 47850 | ||
TestSuLogRelaLookup | ||||
TestSuiteExecutionRecord_CusAtt | 6000 | 18000 | ||
TSERRelaLookup | 0 | 0 | ||
Total | 1203023 | 3609069 |
N/A: Not applicable.
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