The OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication protocol was established in early 2015 as an extension of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, designed to be easier to adopt across a wide range of clients (native applications, browsers, browser-based applications, and mobile devices). It is extensible and configurable (with optional features). OpenID Connect is a simple identity protocol and open standard that is built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that enables client applications to rely on authentication that is performed by an OpenID Connect Provider to verify the identity of a user. OpenID is a protocol for authentication while OAuth is for authorization. (Authentication is about making sure that the guy you are talking to is indeed who he claims to be. Authorization is about deciding what that guy should be allowed to do)
For additional information on OIDC and the authentication flow visits our Infocenter page.
Jazz Security Architecture is a particular profile of OIDC, specifying which optional features are included, and a few extensions. Authentication is handled by a separate OpenID provider (OP, in our case it would be our Jazz Authorization Server); Jazz applications delegate to that provider instead of relying on the application server to handle authentication. Jazz Authorization Server is based on the IBM WebSphere Liberty server. Because Jazz Authorization Server authenticates users, it must be configured with a user registry.
When a user logs into a Jazz application, JAS (OP) generates a token for the user (known as a bearer token) that can then be used to authenticate with any application that is configured with the same OP. Therefore, Jazz Security Architecture provides a single sign-on experience that is independent of the type of application container, unlike Kerberos, WebSphere, and Tomcat single sign-on mechanisms. Single sign-on is supported across all applications that are configured to use the same JAS.
Configuring Jazz applications for Jazz Security Architecture SSO is either done at install time, for new installations, or done as a migration procedure, for existing installations that are using some other form of authentication.
In addition to authenticating end users that access Jazz applications, applications also authenticate requests sent by other applications. In particular, applications that participate in Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration use linked data to share and connect resources across application development domains. There are two forms of application-to-application authentication implemented by Jazz applications, OAuth 1.0a and OpenID Connect.
Up until the 6.0 software release, OAuth 1.0a was the only type of inter-application authentication supported. It requires pair-wise relationships between communicating applications - applications that are registered as "friends" of each other can send requests to each other that will be authenticated using OAuth 1.0a. For bi-directional communications, each application must be a friend of each other. The friending application is allocated a key and secret which it uses to authenticate with the friend application.
When applications are configured with Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled, they can use OpenID Connect to authenticate with each other. In that case, no pair-wise relationships are needed between applications for authentication purposes; no "keys" or "secrets" are held by applications in order to authenticate with each other. Instead, when a user authenticates with an application that has Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled, that user is automatically authenticated with all other applications that are registered with the same Jazz Authorization Server as the first application. Therefore, applications can invoke services in other applications on behalf of the user without requiring additional logins.
Jazz Security Architecture is one of our Authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO) solution for Jazz Application starting CLM 6.x. JSA eliminates the requirement for paired configuration of OAuth consumer keys. All applications that are configured for Jazz Security Architecture SSO can communicate with each other without a configuration for every possible source and destination relationship.
OAuth 2.0
When deployed with Jazz Authorization Server (IBM Liberty OIDC feature) ELM supports OAuth 2.0.
Up until the 6.0 software release, OAuth 1.0a was the only type of inter-application authentication supported. Starting CLM version 6.0 Jazz Authorization Server was introduced and when applications are configured with Jazz Security Architecture SSO enabled, they can use OpenID Connect to authenticate with each other. OpenID Connect is a simple identity protocol and open standard that is built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol that enables client applications to rely on authentication that is performed by an OpenID Connect Provider to verify the identity of a user.
Here are the articles available on OAuth 2.0 and ELM.
SAML or OIDC Providers - Authentication and SSO via Third Party Identity Providers
As JAS is a Liberty OpenID Connect Provider, it can be configured to further delegate authentication to a SAML Identity Provider or a Third Party OIDC Provider.
Reduced Maintenance
Federated User Registries
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