Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0

The following known problems are related to the Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0 release.

Upgrading from a version 5 release

For details about known issues that relate to upgrading Rational DOORS Next Generation from a version 5 to a version 6 release, including specific defects and fixes, see the IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.x migration defects Flash article from IBM Support.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:


Workaround summary


When you edit a module, you can insert new artifacts into the module, type in the artifacts, and save the artifacts either explicitly or by creating another artifact. If the module is already locked by someone else, the system should prevent you from inserting new artifacts into the locked module. However, in Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, the system does not prevent this action. Instead, you can insert, type in, and save new artifacts in a locked module in what appears to be a successful process; however, the artifacts are not saved and the changes are lost if the module is refreshed.


Complete either of these workarounds:

  • Do not lock modules. This approach prevents the persistent lock that causes concurrent edits to fail silently.
  • Do not create artifacts within a module. Instead, create the artifacts separately, outside of a module. Then, add the artifacts into the module by using the Insert Existing Artifact context menu.

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Workaround summary


In Rational DOORS Next Generation, if you use Internet Explorer 11 and use an input method editor (IME) to edit artifacts in modules, unexpected results occur. For example, unwanted text characters are entered.


Edit artifacts from the Artifacts page or the artifact editor.

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Workaround summary


Delivering a change set with over 45,000 items can fill the DB2 database transaction log space, and cause the delivery to fail with an SQL error. The following SQL error codes are logged in the Requirements Management (RM) server rm.log file: Error: SQLCODE=-1476, SQLSTATE=40506, SQLERRMC=-964. The default DB2 transaction log space is sufficient for change sets with 45,000 items, but log space must be increased for larger change sets.


Complete these steps to double the size allowance for change sets:

  1. Stop the RM server.
  2. Increase the database LOGPRIMARY setting to 40.
  3. Increase the database LOGSECONDARY setting to 40.
  4. Restart the DB2 server.
  5. Start the RM server.

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Workaround summary


When you edit artifacts in the Module editor, typing the Alt+e keyboard shortcut opens the Add Existing Artifact dialog box instead of inserting the euro sign into the rich text.


To insert the euro sign, hold the Alt key and type 0128 on the numeric keypad.

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Workaround summary


In a diagram, you can change the anchor point connections for a shape by using the keyboard. The following keyboard shortcuts are used for these actions: Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+\. A Turkish Q keyboard does not have the forward slash (/) and backslash (\) keys. Although you can create these characters by using Shift+7 and AltGr+* respectively, these key combinations do not work to change the anchor point connections.


On a Turkish Q keyboard, use Ctrl+ö and Ctrl+ç to change anchor point connections in a diagram.

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Workaround summary


In Microsoft Word, if you copy a table that has the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” check box selected in the table properties, and then paste the table into an artifact in Rational DOORS Next Generation, the table cells are pasted incorrectly. For example, all table cells are header cells.

Table properties in Microsoft Word:

Table properties in Microsoft Word


Complete one of the following steps:

  • In Microsoft Word, select only the first row of the table and apply the “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” option to that row, instead of to the whole table.
  • In Rational DOORS Next Generation, after the table is pasted, edit the cell type in the cell properties to apply the correct type.
Table in Rational DOORS Next Generation

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Workaround summary


If you create a new link type in a change set, you can create a link of that type in a separate change set. The system allows you to deliver only the change set that contains the link, without delivering the change set that creates the link type. If this type of delivery occurs, the configuration does not work properly because you cannot view artifact types and you cannot use the actions on the artifact pencil menu.


Ensure that you deliver the change set that creates the link type.

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Workaround summary


In version 6.0, if you attempt to create a link to or from a requirements artifact that was created in a version 3 release, and the artifact was not modified in a later release, an HTTP 400 error might occur and the link might not be created. This issue can occur for any link type.


Complete either of these workarounds:

  • Edit the primary text, save the artifact, and create the link again.
  • Apply the first interim fix after version 6.0, which contains a resolution to the issue. For details, see the related work item.

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Workaround summary


When configuration management is enabled in Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, links to artifacts in Rational DOORS 9 do not work as expected because Rational DOORS does not support configurations.


Instead of linking, use Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) to transfer Rational DOORS 9 requirements into specific Rational DOORS Next Generation streams.

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Workaround summary


If you installed an earlier version of the Requirements Management (RM) graphical editor add-on, you might not be able to edit graphical artifacts in version 6.0 of the RM application.


Complete these steps to install the latest add-on in Mozilla Firefox:

  1. On the browser toolbar, click Tools > Add-ons.
  2. In the Add-ons manager, remove any extensions with names that start with RMBrowserAddOn.
  3. Restart the browser. The next time that you attempt to edit a graphical artifact, you are prompted to install the latest version of the add-on.

Complete these steps to install the latest add-on in Microsoft Internet Explorer:

  1. On the browser toolbar, click Tools > Manage add-ons.
  2. In the Add-ons manager, remove any extensions with names that start with RMBrowserAddOn.
  3. Restart the browser. The next time that you attempt to edit a graphical artifact, you are prompted to install the latest version of the add-on.

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Workaround summary


When the version 5 licenses are uploaded, the 4.0.1 licenses are not automatically upgraded and the license assignments are not automatically preserved. If you are upgrading from a version 4 release to a version 6 release, you must first upgrade to a version 5 release (5.0.2 is recommended). After you upgrade to the version 5 release, upgrade your version 4 licenses to 5.0 by using the instructions below. Then, when you upgrade from version 5 to 6, import the 6.0 licenses and they will overwrite the 5.0 licenses with no additional steps required for the products specified.


Complete these steps once for each type of license that you have: Token, Floating, and Authorized User.

Important: If you are upgrading from 5.0 to a later 5.0 release, this workaround is not necessary because your licenses are already upgraded.

If you have Token licenses, complete these steps:

  1. After you upgrade your server to 5.0 or later, import the 5.0 Analyst-Token file.
  2. Import one of the RDNG_v5.0_CONTRIBUTOR-Token-Term-*.jar files. Do not import both files.

    Note: If you upgrade any IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR or IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses to Analyst, you cannot include those licenses in the number of Contributor licenses. For example, if you have 10 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR licenses and 15 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses and you then upgrade 8 of those licenses to Analyst, you are entitled to enter 17 licenses for Contributor rather than 25.

    After the import of the 5.0 licenses, both the 4.0.1 and 5.0 licenses will be listed in the Client Access Types and Floating License Server areas.
  3. Click Users > Client Access License Management.
  4. From the list, select one of the Analyst licenses. After you select a license, if a list of users is displayed, you selected the 4.0.1 license. If no users are listed, return to the list and select the other Analyst license.
  5. After a list of users is shown, click Reassign All to reassign all of the licenses to 5.0. In the Reassign All wizard, only one entry is shown for Analyst. Click it.
  6. From the list, select the other Analyst-Token license. All of the users that were assigned to the 4.0.1 license should now be listed under the 5.0 license.
  7. To upgrade the Contributor-Token license, repeat the steps 4-6 for that license.
  8. Return to the License Key Management page and delete the 4.0.1 Analyst and Contributor licenses.
  9. If you have Floating or Authorized User versions of the Analyst or Contributor licenses, complete the steps in the sections for those licenses.

If you have Floating licenses, complete these steps:

  1. After you upgrade your server to 5.0 or later, import the 5.0 Analyst-Floating file.
  2. Import one of the RDNG_v5.0_CONTRIBUTOR-*.jar files. Do not import both files. For Floating licenses, enter the total number of licenses that you were entitled to between the IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR and IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses.

    Note: If you upgrade any IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR or IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses to Analyst, you cannot include those licenses in the number of Contributor licenses. For example, if you have 10 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR licenses and 15 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses and you then upgrade 8 of those licenses to Analyst, you are entitled to enter 17 licenses for Contributor rather than 25.

    After the import of the 5.0 licenses, both the 4.0.1 and 5.0 licenses will be listed in the Client Access Types and Floating License Server areas.
  3. Click Users > Client Access License Management.
  4. From the list, select one of the Analyst licenses. After you select a license, if a list of users is displayed, you selected the 4.0.1 license. If no users are listed, return to the list and select the other Analyst license.
  5. After a list of users is shown, click Reassign All to reassign all of the licenses to 5.0. In the Reassign All wizard, only one entry is shown for Analyst. Click it.
  6. From the list, select the other Analyst-Floating license. All of the users that were assigned to the 4.0.1 license should now be listed under the 5.0 license.
  7. To upgrade the Contributor-Floating license, repeat the steps 4-6 for that license.
  8. Return to the License Key Management page and delete the 4.0.1 Analyst and Contributor licenses.
  9. If you have Token or Authorized User versions of the Analyst or Contributor licenses, complete the steps in the sections for those licenses.

If you have Authorized User licenses, complete these steps:

  1. After you upgrade your server to 5.0 or later, import the 5.0 Analyst-Authorized file.
  2. Import one of the RDNG_v5.0_CONTRIBUTOR-Authorized-*.jar files. Do not import both files. For Authorized User (AU) licenses, enter the total number of licenses that you were entitled to between the IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR and IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses.

    Note: If you upgrade any IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR or IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses to Analyst, you cannot include those licenses in the number of Contributor licenses. For example, if you have 10 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR licenses and 15 IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER licenses and you then upgrade 8 of those licenses to Analyst, you are entitled to enter 17 licenses for Contributor rather than 25.

    After the import of the 5.0 licenses, both the 4.0.1 and 5.0 licenses will be listed in the Client Access Types area.
  3. Click Users > Client Access License Management.
  4. From the list, select one of the Analyst licenses. After you select a license, if a list of users is displayed, you selected the 4.0.1 license. If no users are listed, return to the list and select the other Analyst license.
  5. After a list of users is shown, click Reassign All to reassign all of the licenses to 5.0. In the Reassign All wizard, only one entry is shown for Analyst. Click it.
  6. From the list, select the other Analyst-Authorized license. All of the users that were assigned to the 4.0.1 license should now be listed under the 5.0 license.
  7. To upgrade the Contributor-Authorized license, repeat the steps 4-6 for that license.
  8. Return to the License Key Management page and delete the 4.0.1 Analyst and Contributor licenses.
  9. If you have Token or Floating versions of the Analyst or Contributor licenses, complete the steps in the sections for those licenses.


If you have IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS EDITOR and IBM RATIONAL DOORS WEB ACCESS REVIEWER Term licenses, you must import both licenses because the number of licenses is hard coded in the Term licenses. After both licenses are imported, they will be listed and the total number of licenses between the two licenses will be available.

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Workaround summary


After the Requirements Management server is upgraded to 6.0, the server might be slow or become unusable because of frequent timeouts.


Run the appropriate statistics command to update the database tables.

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Workaround summary


During an upgrade, you might receive the following error, which indicates a timeout issue:

CRJAZ0554I Unable to get the necessary lock in 30000 milliseconds.


Complete one or both of the following workarounds:

  • Increase the timeout value to 60 seconds. In either the Advanced Properties or the teamserver.properties file, set the following property: com.ibm.team.repository.rdb.mediator.pool.wait=60000
  • Rebuild the database indexes by running the -rebuildIndices command.

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Workaround summary


If multiple users update an artifact in a configuration at the same time, inconsistent versions of the artifact might be displayed in the configuration. This problem occurs because multiple versions of the artifact are internally marked as the current version. For example, you might experience the following issues:

  • Different views show different versions of an artifact for the same configuration.
  • An artifact cannot be found.

To detect whether a configuration has more than one current version of an artifact, run the following query. Note: The following query is for DB2. The schema name might differ for other databases: see the product documentation.


If the query finds more than one current version, complete the workaround; otherwise, no action is necessary.


To repair existing instances, run the following command from the server directory of your application. Note: The following command is for Linux.

./repotools-application.sh -repairMultipleVersionsMarkedAsCurrent [credentialsFile=credentials.properties]

The utility might take a while to scan the entire database. You do not have to restart the server.

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Workaround summary


In Rational DOORS Next Generation, whether a clipboard image can be pasted into an artifact is limited by how the browser processes the clipboard data.

Currently, pasting clipboard images into artifacts is only supported in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. These browsers process the image data in a way that enables Rational DOORS Next Generation to create an uploaded image artifact for the pasted data. Pasting images in Mozilla Firefox is supported for Rational DOORS Next Generation 4.0.1 and later. Pasting images in Google Chrome is supported for Rational DOORS Next Generation 5.0 and later.

The ability to paste images is also limited by the external application from which the image is being copied. The external application must put the copied image data onto the system clipboard in a way that enables the browser to process the data.


To paste a clipboard image into an artifact in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Safari browsers, you must upload the image as an artifact and paste it into the field by using the Insert Image menu option.

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Workaround summary


If you import a module into a change set by using ReqIF, discard the change set, and then import the same module into another change set in the same project, the delivery wizard reports a problem when you attempt to deliver the change set by using the Standard delivery option. The delivery fails because a problem is found with the module in the change set, although it appears fine in the interface.


Select the Express delivery option.

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 Workaround summary

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Limitation summary


In a change set, you can remove an artifact from a module and also delete the core artifact from the project. When you deliver that change set, if someone has modified the same module, a conflict is created. You can resolve the conflict by not delivering your change to the module, but you can still deliver your change to remove the artifact from the project. If this situation occurs, the module contains a row that points to a nonexistent artifact, and you cannot delete the row. To avoid this scenario, ensure that you resolve any conflicts with the module before you deliver a change to remove an artifact from the project.

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Limitation summary


Occasionally, if you encounter a conflict between modules and resolve the conflict by selecting the target version, the choice is incorrectly conveyed to the server and the conflict resolves to the source version instead. If this situation occurs, the original changes are lost and you must make them again.

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Limitation summary


This issue only affects projects that do not have configuration management capabilities enabled. When you work with projects in Rational DOORS Next Generation, you encounter several selection dialog boxes that list projects. These dialog boxes should list only the projects that you have read access to. However, all the projects on the server that are not enabled for configuration management are displayed. You cannot access all the projects, but you can see them.

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Limitation summary


If you use the Quick Search feature to search for artifacts that contain a specific string, the search results do not correctly include artifacts that have a format of Diagram. Search strings that are part of the first or last word of a plain text label or search strings that are part of a rich text label are not found.

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Limitation summary


In Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, the Data Collection Component might take longer to run because the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process and the queries that identify artifact links are slower than in previous releases.

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Limitation summary


In the Requirements Management (RM) application, if you add widgets to a project dashboard or a personal dashboard, you cannot set the widget to display data from a particular stream or baseline. On a project dashboard, some widgets, such as for recent comments and recent artifacts, display information from the current configuration that is displayed on the banner at the top of the window. On a personal dashboard, all widgets display information from the default stream.

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Limitation summary


If you view PDF documents by using Microsoft Internet Explorer, menus or controls might be hidden behind the PDF document. This behavior is a defect with the PDF ActiveX Viewer in Internet Explorer. More information is available in this Microsoft discussion thread: PDF is showing always on top of all controls.

In most cases, you can navigate away from the page that shows the PDF document. However, if this issue causes severe problems, you can remove the PDF ActiveX Viewer from Internet Explorer. Rational DOORS Next Generation can display PDF documents without the PDF ActiveX Viewer by using the Embedded Documents feature (where supported).

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Limitation summary


In Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, module baselines were replaced with project baselines. If you upgrade to version 6.0 from any version 5 release, existing module baselines are converted to project baselines. The contents are not lost and can be accessed by switching the current configuration to the relevant project baseline. Note that in the version 5 releases, you could copy a module baseline to create a new editable module, which is not possible with project baselines. However, instead of copying from a module baseline, you can now branch from a project baseline.

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Limitation summary


In Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0, the audit history for modules is recorded, but is not displayed. If you need to view the audit history for modules, do not upgrade to version 6.0. The reinstatement of a viewable audit history for modules is currently planned for a future release.

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Limitation summary


Before the 6.0 release, the Revision history feature showed icons across the timeline that represented both the revisions of an artifact and any project baselines that were captured with that artifact. Currently, the baseline icons are not shown. The revision icons remain and enable you to reach any of the revisions of the artifact.

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Limitation summary


The ReqIF import feature does not support importing the same data item into multiple configurations (streams and change sets) of a single project or project component.

This means that a ReqIF package should not be imported into more than one configuration of a project. It also means that different ReqIF packages that contain the same artifact should not be imported into more than one configuration of the same project.

For example, a module should not be imported into the initial stream of a project and also into a child stream of that project. Similarly, a module should not be imported into two separate change sets in the same project.

The ReqIF feature maintains metadata on all data items that it encounters and the metadata is scoped to a single project (or project component): this metadata is not user-visible. Data items that are handled by ReqIF have a unique identity that is known to the feature and maintained by the application. This identity is used during ReqIF import operations to indicate the lifecycle of a data item and to manage appropriate actions for that an item during the import process.

Both ReqIF and the configuration management capabilities manage changes to data, but are intended for different scenarios and work in different ways. The configuration management capabilities are intended for data changes within projects, while ReqIF is intended for exchanging data between projects and between data repositories. The ReqIF specification does not include the concept of configurations, and the interoperation of these features is not recommended.

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Limitation summary

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Tue, 23 Jun 2015