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CLM 4.0.1 server rename: Can we rebuild indices before we open the URL to start the server rename?

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Jan 04 '13, 10:47 p.m.
retagged Feb 15 '13, 2:26 p.m. by Douglas Bush (28125)

Right before we open the URL on the target server to start server rename process with web GUI, can we clean and rebuild indices for JTS/CCM/QM applications? Or we have to do this after the rename GUI steps are done?

Thanks and regards

3 answers

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Joseph Mao (440189) | answered Feb 13 '13, 12:40 a.m.
For command repotools-<app> rebuildIndices, server need to be shutdown beforehand, and that is the known limitation.

You can run the command before process server rename command repotools-jts.bat -importURLMappings.
But if your purpose is to apply the server rename DB related changes,   then need to run

repotools-<app> rebuildIndices afterward, especially for access https:// new host : port /jts/serverRenameStatus.

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Eric Solomon (911) | answered Feb 13 '13, 2:22 p.m.
Also, see Step 2c at

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Eric Solomon (911) | answered Feb 15 '13, 4:04 p.m.
Sorry - see Step 2c in this topic:

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