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SCM via the WEB for Non-Tech Users

N. Dot (1321115) | asked Jan 03 '13, 5:26 p.m.
Hello!  I have some non-tech users that would like to use RTC's SCM functions.  Are there any gottcha's with letting them use the WEB interface for SCM.  Are there any limitations such as file type or size?

4 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 03 '13, 5:32 p.m.
No limitation on file types that I am aware of - but there is/was a file limit that could be changed by admin.  The main problem with the Web UI was you could not select a lot of files in one go.  I have not checked if that has changed in 4.0.1 or not.

If your users have Windows 7 - there is now a Windows Explorer UI which might be even easier for them to use.

What version of RTC are you using?


N. Dot commented Jan 04 '13, 7:59 a.m.

Hello Anthony!  I was wondering if you had had a chance to check whether or not you can select multiple files in the 4.0.1 version.  Thank you!

Anthony Kesterton commented Jan 04 '13, 9:32 a.m.

HI - just tried this and we are still restricted to one file operation at a time in the WebUI for 4.0.

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N. Dot (1321115) | answered Jan 03 '13, 5:46 p.m.
They are using 4.0.1.  Is there any documentation on the Windows Explorer UI?  Also, are there any other limitations in regard to using the WEB versus one of the other clients?

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Stephane Leroy (1.4k149) | answered Jan 04 '13, 4:37 a.m.
you coud find information on the RTC Shell (from Windows Explorer) here:

N. Dot commented Jan 04 '13, 8:00 a.m.

Thank you!  Which do you think is easier for non-tech users to use...the WEB UI or the RTC Shell?

Anthony Kesterton commented Jan 04 '13, 9:36 a.m.

I would definitely look into the Shell for non-tech users (if you compared the two).  Can you give us an idea of what kind of use they would make of version control.  If it is for the occasional file, then working with one file at a time is not really a problem.

There is another way.  The is a commandline interface to RTC to perform SCM operations - it would be possible to write specific scripts around these commands that non-tech users could use.  The only specific advantage is that you could make it behave in a way that would be best for your users - whatever that would be.

Otherwise, I would stick to the Shell or WebUI.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 04 '13, 6:11 a.m.
And then check the help file here:

or do a search for "Team Concert Shell" in your local help system. 


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