What is adoption criteria for Rational Test Workbench for CLM(RTC/RQM/RDNG/RDM)?

One answer

Please see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/c_rtw_adapter.html.

Thanks Paul ....but I have few doubts regarding this.
1) To use RTW is there any server configuration required ?? or to use integration (RTW with RQM/RTC.RRC) we need to do any configuration at the server level?
2) All web applications can be tested via RTW?
3) what is best practice to use RTW with RQM/RTC/RRC?

Integration with RQM is via a test adapter for executing tests. For more information about configuring and running the adapter, see the Rational Test Workbench online help.