How-to unlock a folder under RTC source control
I have to take care for several RTC/CLM projects.
In one RTC 3.0 and one CLM 3.0.1 project users have locked a FOLDER (not a file) under RTC source control.
It's no problem to unlock a file:
a) Eclipse client
RightClick -- Team -- Unlock...
b) Web client
MousePoint -- on right site: Unlock
c) Commandline
scm login ...
scm lock list ...
scm lock release ...
scm logout ...
But how can I unlock a folder?!
Both clients didn't offer the unlock option (menu point).
And also the scm command does not work:
lock release
D:\>scm lock list --repository-uri project-a --stream "Project-A Team Stream" --component "Project-A Team Default Component" --owner abc --verbose
R (1008) "/folder_a/subfolder" >
D:\>scm lock release --repository-uri project-a --stream "Project-A Team Stream" --component "Project-A Team Default Component" --force -R folder_a/subfolder
Problem running 'lock' 'release':
Unexpected item type: Folder
BTW I tried it as JazzAdmin (and JazzProjectAdmin) so that it is not a permission related issue.
And unfortunately the users can't remember how they have locked the folder.
Did I have any chance to do it with the REST API?
Any idea is welcome. Thanks, Markus
Accepted answer
You can unlock it with the Eclipse client by going to Search > Jazz Source Control > Locks. Search for those locks and you can unlock them from the results.
See the work item on exposing unlocking folders in the web ui.
You search the locks and should see the locks in the result view. On the result, right click and select the context menu unlock.
As explained in the answer, you need to use an Eclipse client for this. In the Web UI, you need to open the element to see the menu actions to unlock. If you can't open the item, you won't see the unlock.
As explained in the answer, you need to use an Eclipse client for this. In the Web UI, you need to open the element to see the menu actions to unlock. If you can't open the item, you won't see the unlock. If you can open the item, but you don't see an unlock you are stuck as well.
I've opened Document how to unlock folders in SCM (347379) so that we document the workaround that Tim described.