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RTC 4.0 upgrade issue with scripted calculated value

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Nov 07 '12, 7:31 a.m.
Hi All,
 We  have  process provider  PA1 and process consumer PA2 in RTC 3.0.1. In PA1(provider) we have script based calculated value. which has JavaScript file attached toPA1.  It works fine in PA2.

 We upgraded to RTC 4.0 but  script based calculated value works fine in PA1(provider) but PA2 its not working.

 I gone through this below link

 Its mentioned project area links are not inherited.  My query is  attached java script file  for calculated value is treated as process attachment or project area links.
 please can any one explain difference between these two.


kavita herur commented Nov 08 '12, 4:11 a.m.

 script based calculated value shows multiplication another 3 different attributes.   After Upgrading  to RTC 4.0,In PA2 calculated value shows 0(zero) for all values of  another 3 different attributes.

Script is attached to provider( PA1) and PA2(consumer) is having unconfigured process.

 please let me know what could be the solution.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Nov 07 '12, 10:32 a.m.
What does "Not working" mean? Is it gone? Does it throw errors?

A script based calculated value is attached to the project area as an attachment.

I would assume - but have not tried - that if you attach and configure the script in the shared process, the sharing processes should be able to see the script and use it, as long as you not overwrite it in the project areas that share.

You should be able to see the path of the script in the Attribute customization, where it is defined. You can find the information on the Links tab of the Project Area Editor in the Eclipse client in the Attachments section like in the example screenshot below.

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