Looking for a documentation of the advanced properties
2 answers
In conversations with customers I have followed, it has been mentioned that the advanced properties are off-limits, unless support or development tells you to set them. Although it is unfortunate, there always have been and always will be parameters that are not documented. It is just a matter of time and effort.
The tool tip obtained by hovering over the property name has information on usage of the property...
bringing out specific examples always helps the discussions.. thanks for pointing out the property.. and now i can see that it does list only the possible values..
here is a little more information about this prorperty, if you are still looking for it :
- "legacy" (the default) for compatibility with the existing indices. In this case the English stemmer is used for all languages (except for the Asian languages).
- "true" Enables a stemmer specific to the language defined by the "Indexing Language" property or by the server locale if the property is not set.
- "false" Disables stemming all together
Anyways, the advanced properties, as suggested by Ralph above, not intended to be used unless suggested by Support or Development, in which case, I believe, you would be informed of the implications..