How to configure OOTB Rational Insight reports to point to a project other than the default Smarter Planet
I was hoping somebody could assist me in trying to configure the OOTB Rational Insight reports to run against a project (in CLM) other than the default smarter planet project that the reports seem to be coded against. Is there some way of editing this?
I have already followed the link below to successfully configure Insight to generate reports from CLM:
Any help would be much appreciated.
3 answers
The Smarter Planet project isn't referenced by the OOTB reports, its the data in the SAMPLE DW that Insight provides. SAMPLEDW is a populated data warehouse containing artificially generated sample data to enable you to run reports immediately, before you've collected enough real data in your data warehouse.
The Cognos Data Source (RIDW) is set to reference the SAMPLEDW database, so your reports are pulling data from there. You need to change the Cognos Data Source to point to your real data warehouse database. This will cause SQL queries from the report to be directed to that warehouse rather then SAMPLEDW. You can change the Data Source in Cognos Administration.
To see how to change the Data Source setting, view this video
Mike Fox
Hi Michael
To get access to Cognos Administration, you need to log in as a member of the JazzAdmins group. Hopefully you still have at least one Jazz Admin user who can connect to your JTS and get into /jts/admin. That person should be able to get into Cognos Administration, or make another user a member of the Jazz Admins group.
Thanks for your reply. We are members of JazzAdmins, and can log into the associated CLM server with those rights. When we click logon in Insight, it redirects to CLM and then asks can it cross authenticate. When we select yes, it sends us back to Insight and we show as logged in, but still no Cognos Administration.
Is it possible the Insight instance is set up to use a different LDAP group to map admins? Is there a file in our Insight installation we can use to determine this (like in CLM)?
After logging on to the Insight report server, the IBM Cognos Administration menu will only be displayed if the authenticated user has been assigned the Cognos System Administrators role. By default with a fresh installation, the Cognos Everyone group is assigned the Cognos System Administrators role. When integrated with CLM, to lock down security, we advise our customers to replace the Cognos Everyone group with the JazzAdmins group. My guess is that your former report server administrator might not have performed this step.
Can you open your <insight>/cognos/configuration/jazzns_config.xml file and see if it includes any <user> or <group> tag? If it does, a specific Jazz user, mostly likely the report server administrator, or group may have been assigned the Cognos System Administrators role.