How is modified_since in ETL mapped in ClearQuest?
I have an ETL for gathering data from ClearQuest. It works fine except for modified_since when a value of less than 6 hours is computed for the modified_since on the where clause of the defect query. I have defects that are say 1 or 2 hours old but if I use modified_since of 5:55 (H:mm) it returns 0 rows. If I use modified_since of 6:05 then the correct number of rows are returned. 6:00 also seems to fail as well. We have a requirement of being able to run the delta ETL every 6 hours in our environment. Since the ETL does take some time the modified_since will always be less than 6 hours and then it will fail. I am not the admin for CQ and don't they don't know what parameter needs to be change in their config to allow this to work - or is this a hard limitation in CQ?
2 answers
Hi David,
ETL Job is setup on Rational Insight. You can use Data-Manager-tool to view current job configuration.
General formula:
Hi David,
This formula is the standard one - but, you can modify it to a different value using the available functions - as it has to be a dynamic value every time.
The problem now looks like - there's a very short interval between the job completion time and the next run - so the items created in this interval are getting missed out.
No - If I run the query manually from DM and set a modified_since that is greater than 6 hours it returns the correct rows. If I run again manually entering a modified_since of less that 6 hours it always returns 0 rows, for example I have defects that are 1 hour old and I set modified_since to 5hours and 55 minutes it will return 0 rows - so it is something in CQ that is not allowing queries of less than 6 hours ago for a delta - I need to know what that is