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Why am I getting ".\cqjniproxy.dll is not a valid Win32 application." when using Data Services with Insight and CQ?

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Sep 20 '13, 5:15 p.m.

I setup 64 bit WAS and 64 bit Insight and configured to work with an existing CLM401 install.  I also installed Data Services to pull CQ data into the report.  I setup Data Services correctly as I can access the /DataServices url fine, but when I try to access /DataServices/ClearQuest I get the error below.

I've verified the CQ client is installed and setup with the CQ Maintenance Tool.  Although the CQ client is only 32-bit.  Is this my issue and I need to install the 64-bit CQ client instead?

Error 500: CRRED0200E: An unspecified error has occurred. Caused by: [CRVAP0049E Cannot instantiate protocol provider: cqjniproxy (.\cqjniproxy.dll is not a valid Win32 application. ) ] Caused by: [null] Caused by: [cqjniproxy (.\cqjniproxy.dll is not a valid Win32 application. )]

Accepted answer

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Yuhong Yin (25123) | answered Sep 20 '13, 5:55 p.m.
I believe Insight uses the ClearQuest JNI interface to pull the CQ data and that JNI interface is 32-bit only, and cannot be loaded into 64-bit JVM.

Could you use a 32-bit WAS? If using 64-bit WAS is desired, please submit a RFE against ClearQuest.


- Yuhong Yin
Development Manager
ClearCase/ClearQuest Jazz Integrations
Michael Walker selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Sep 23 '13, 9:11 a.m.
As Yuhong Yin mentioned, we've had to set up a separate 32-bit WAS for DataServices. It's a pain, but it's what got things working.

Michael Walker commented Sep 23 '13, 1:21 p.m.


So the WAS for the Insight install can be 64-bit but we now need to use a separate 32-bit WAS install for Data Services? 

I had used the same 64-bit WAS for both Insight and Data Services.

Jackie Albert commented Sep 23 '13, 1:34 p.m. | edited Sep 23 '13, 1:34 p.m.

Correct - it's a pretty big pain.  You have to have 2 separate WAS installs... 64-bit for Insight and 32-bit for Data Services.  I think even if you downgraded both of them to 32-bit, you'd need two because there are driver dependencies for DS that conflict with the drivers needed by Insight.  We've never successfully been able to run both of them out of the same WAS install.

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Yuhong Yin (25123) | answered Sep 23 '13, 10:11 a.m.
Thank Jackie for sharing your experience!

By the way, here is the technote on this limitation.
    Reports that use JNI data sources will not run with WebSphere 64-bit edition


- Yuhong Yin
Development Manager
ClearCase/ClearQuest Jazz Integrations

Michael Walker commented Sep 23 '13, 1:22 p.m.


Thank you for the technote.  It would be helpful if this was also documented in the Insight Help where the instructions are for installing Data Services.

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