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"\" is stripped off from environment variables when pass from Windows to Unix

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Oct 19 '12, 12:25 p.m.
edited Oct 19 '12, 12:42 p.m.
The first couple of steps are executed in Windows server, the environment variable outputs as this:
But in the next step when it's excuted in Unix, the environment variable becomes like this:
114 10/19/12 12:01PM ENV FILE=M:c999752_QRF_DEVInformatica_QVOBQRF_infaxmlmapm_HUB_LT_RF_APPLICATION.xml

How can I fix this?

This is the step running in Unix server:

echo "Start import/export to/from Informatica ${TARGET_ENV} environment"
/usr/bin/perl ${APP_NAME} ${TARGET_ENV} ${COMMAND} ${FILE}

I create these environment variables in BF, and set it from ClearCase (server on Windows) trigger script as below:

   my $buildEnvEntryName = "FILE";
   my $buildEnvEntryToUpdate = BuildForge::Services::DBO::BuildEnvironment->findByUuid($conn, $buildEnvUuid)->getEntry($buildEnvEntryName);
   if(!defined($buildEnvEntryToUpdate)) {
       print "BuildEnvironmentEntry <".$buildEnvEntryName."> could not be found.\n";
       return 1;
   $build->updateBuildEnvEntryValue($buildEnvEntryToUpdate->getUuid(), $file);


2 answers

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Oct 19 '12, 1:51 p.m.
 There are two ways I have seen to fix this, either double the slashes "\\" or instead of using a slash use a variable e.g. ${FILE_SEP} and set it on the Unix server to a "/" and on the Windows server a "\".

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Oct 25 '12, 5:17 p.m.
 I resolved this issue by replacing "\" to "/" when pass on environment variables from Windows to Unix. Now I am hitting the same issue when I try to do a ".runwait "Informatica-PRD". In the launched project "Informatica-PRD", again the "/" is lost, even I make it "//", it still lost and becomes like this: 

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