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BuildForge agent Status: Functional failure

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Mar 04 '14, 10:29 a.m.
One of my agent lost the connection with the following error. Following the instruction in this post, I got this result. Any idea what's wrong?

 Host: ccsourcelp01:5556

Agent Version:
Authentication: bldforge
Platform: linux 2.6.18-371.3.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Nov 11 03:23:58 EST 2013
Status: Functional failure
Duration: 3


320 AUTH AuthOk["bldforge"]
                           320 SET EnvSet["BF_AGENT_VERSION",""]
                                                                              320 SET EnvSet["BF_AGENT_PLATFORM","linux
2.6.18-371.3.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Nov 11 03:23:58 EST 2013"]
                                                        320 EXEC Locale["C"]
                                                                            320 PTY Pty[*PtyPipe]
                                                                                                 320 EXEC Locale["C"]
 EXEC ExecScriptFail[+13,"/tmp/bf4zqhtO"]
                                         310 PLAT linux 2.6.18-371.3.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Nov 11 03:23:58 EST 2013
                                                                                                              251 RESULT
   260 EOR

2 answers

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Robert haig (1.0k16) | answered Mar 20 '14, 1:38 p.m.
 So what the agent does is store the commands to run in a tmp file, then execute the shell script and capture the output.  What you're seeing is that script "/tmp/bf4zqhtO" is failing to execute (returning error code 13).  That error code is permission denied.  So you may have extended ACLs in use on the tmp filesystem that are preventing execution, the shell may be incorrect for your system, or there may be something else that is preventing the script from executing.

Edit the bfagent.conf, turn on the leave tmp files option, and check the shell option.  The next time you try the above, it will leave behind the tmp file it tried to execute.  Try executing it by hand as the user listed in the server_auth.  This should get you more information.

permanent link
Sanjay Kumar (6) | answered Nov 12 '15, 10:18 a.m.
I have found same issue.

320 AUTH AuthOk["unity"]
320 SET EnvSet["BF_AGENT_PLATFORM","linux 3.10.0-221.ael7b.ppc64le #1 SMP Wed Jan 7 09:27:09 EST 2015"]
320 EXEC Locale["C"]
320 PTY Pty[*PtyPipe]
320 EXEC Locale["C"]
320 EXEC ExecShellPath["/bin/bash"]
310 * EXEC: /bin/bash: 13
310 PLAT linux 3.10.0-221.ael7b.ppc64le #1 SMP Wed Jan 7 09:27:09 EST 2015
251 RESULT 13
260 EOR
After doing even setting to store file in tmp/bf4zyyzO. The script could be sucessfully run by the users.
What can be done next to debug issue further.
One difference is it is powerpc lle :
Linux c277-pkvm-vm8 3.10.0-221.ael7b.ppc64le #1 SMP Wed Jan 7 09:27:09 EST 2015 ppc64le ppc64le ppc64le GNU/Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 Beta (Maipo)

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