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Issue with Build Forge "Save Environment" check box behavior

Jozef Vandenmooter (16332933) | asked Nov 07 '13, 1:52 p.m.
Hi all,

We have a problem with the way the Save Environment check box behaves in  BF 7.1.3. In Version 7.0, it only affected variables that did not have a default value. In 7.1, it affects all variables.

For example, we have a variable SKIP_DEPLOYMENT that has two possible values: YES and NO, with NO being the default. This variable is stored in an environment that is shared by all projects.

If a user is testing a project and sets this value to YES and also checks the Save Environment check box, all subsequent projects execute with SKIP_DEPLOYMENT set to YES, unless all users verify the correct values of all variables, which they are not in the habit of doing, because they are used to all variables having their default value unless they change them.

Can this behavior be changed? A default value isn't useful at all if it can be overridden by a user checking the Save Environment check box.

Note that disallowing access to this check box (using the Edit Environment Variables setting under Permissions) is not an option.



4 answers

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Jozef Vandenmooter (16332933) | answered Aug 01 '14, 4:55 p.m.
Just for the record: this was confirmed to be a bug. The PMR is 21783,004,000

"ISSUE: If your change the value for any variable in the environment and click "Save Environment", upon executing the project again those same values will appear instead of the default value:           REPRODUCED the issue    REPRODUCED the issue - Perl:    COULD NOT reproduce the issue (reverts to default value) - Java:    COULD NOT reproduce the issue (reverts to default value)
I have submitted a defect against You can also consider upgrading to 8.0x."

"The defect for this issue against the 7.1.3.x release stream has been accepted. It is scheduled for the release.  Once that version is available, I will retest to confirm that the issue no longer occurs and notify you that it is available for download."

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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Nov 07 '13, 2:01 p.m.
 Hello Jozef,

If the variable applies to all projects. The best thing to do would be to set the default to NO. Then when you click start project, you are brought to the project page. From there, you can see the variables on the side. If you set the variable to a pull down list. You can have the user select YES or NO for that variable before the project runs. This way, it's always default NO unless you change it to YES. changing the variables on the fly before you start the project, only applies to that specific run of that project. It will not apply to further runs of the same projects and or any others. 

If you go to environment variables, you can then click the pull down options tab. 

Let me know if that answers your question. Thanks!

Jozef Vandenmooter commented Nov 11 '13, 1:04 p.m.

Hi Ryan,

I'm afraid that does not answer my question. Can you read it again?



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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Nov 11 '13, 2:39 p.m.

The only solution to this would be to create a sub group of an access group and add the users you don't want to be able to save environments, and remove the permission "edit environment variables" from the sub group.  Although, this as you mentioned is not an option. Why is that not an option for you?

Aside from creating an environment variable with a default and a pulldown option and having users only change the pull down option before starting the job. Would allow users to change variables without effecting the default. This is a compromise and also not what you are looking for.

These are the only two options available. 

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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Nov 22 '13, 7:11 a.m.

Just wanted to update this question with the answer. The save check box environment box purpose is to save the environment and change the defaults. It is the functionality of the check box in the 7.1 releases. There is a permission to remove so that this can not be done. But it is the expected behavior. If you would like additional changes or features. Please submit an RFE to the Build Forge RFE community. Thanks!

RFE link


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