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websphere message broker 8.0 with RTC 4 integration issue

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Oct 19 '12, 5:50 a.m.
retagged Aug 12 '13, 11:12 a.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)


i am trying to install RTC 4 with Broker toolkit 8.0 but getting compatibility error. the exact version is

Version: 8.0.0

Build id: 8.0.0-20111129_1446

i checked the eclipse version, its 3.6.2 and it should work with rtc 4 per documentation, i guess

Any idea, how i can integrate these two IDE's



Qaiser Islam commented Oct 19 '12, 10:09 a.m.

here is the error i am getting

CRIMA1061E: Installing Rational Team Concert - Client for Eclipse IDE 4.0 is not allowed in this package group; it is not compatible with IBM® WebSphere® Message Broker Toolkit  It might be installed in a different package group.
  In installation context "":
    CRIMC1082E: Undefined selector "linux.x86.jdk" in component "" version
    CRIMC1082E: Undefined selector "win32.jdk" in component "" version
    CRIMC1082E: Undefined selector "linux.x86_64.jdk" in component "" version
    CRIMC1082E: Undefined selector "win.x86_64.jdk" in component "" version

Qaiser Islam commented Oct 22 '12, 4:21 a.m.

i tried different combinations and here are my findings

1. I could not install, RTC client as well RTC in the same package. got more or less similar error as i mentioned in above comment

2. I am able to install RTC in the same package and it looks fine. though i did not perform any SCM activity yet

3. I am also able to install in RTC eclipse client extension in the same package but when i login i cant see the streams and my repository workspaces. RTC server version is 4.0

Michael Bunnell commented Aug 06 '13, 11:34 a.m.

Qaiser - did you ever end up getting RTC 4.x working properly with WMB 8.0?  I've got a project team I'm working with that is using WMB v8 and will be using RTC 4.0.2. Just seeing if the eclipse client is compatible.



Qaiser Islam commented Aug 07 '13, 1:43 p.m.

Mike, you can use RTC to integrate with your WMB toolkit. RTC client can communicate with RTC 4 server


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