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What is the purging process of old test artifacts?

James Paulus (20622135) | asked Oct 05 '12, 2:30 p.m.
Currently, when a test artifact is "deleted" it is actually just "archived" from my understanding.   This can obviously cause files that are not needed to exist on the db.   I ran across this plan item: that sort of addresses the topic but not entirely.   Our dba team has a goal to keep up on purging processes and we would like to get back to them on the purging process used by RQM.  

So, my question is what exactly is the timetable to purge out old test artifacts?

Thanks for your help!

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Oct 06 '12, 2:18 a.m.
Hi James
Currently RQM does not purge any items from the system but archive (hide) it as you also mentioned.
The plan you mentioned is actually to support unarchiving the artifacts which once has been archived.
As a start, RQM v4.0.1 will support purging attachments associated with Test case result for special role.
See this story 

James Paulus selected this answer as the correct answer

James Paulus commented Oct 08 '12, 12:06 p.m.

Pramod,  is there a timetable to increase this functionality beyond just attachments? To me, it seems like this functionality should be extended to all test artifacts that a team does not need.  

Pramod Chandoria commented Oct 08 '12, 12:31 p.m.

You are right, the current feature in 4.0.1 is to address a specific problem. There is a separate workitem to deal with attachments across RQM. However hard deleting all type of artifact might not be supported

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