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Why do RRC links to test cases marked as suspect not appear in RQM test cases as suspect

Stuart Jewell (16915) | asked Sep 29 '15, 11:05 a.m.
Currently using RTC, RQM, and RRC versions 4.0.3.

When identifying requirements in RRC with links to test cases marked as suspect (i.e. [suspect icon]-> Test Case Name OR [suspect icon]<-> Test Case Name), why do the referenced test cases from the RQM perspective not have their suspect indicator enabled? 

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Sep 30 '15, 12:22 a.m.
RRC does not mark the test case as a suspect at all. You need to do the reconcile operation in RQM to have the option to mark the test case as a suspect manually.
Stuart Jewell selected this answer as the correct answer

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