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How can we address the bottlenecks associated with working off RRC Word template?

Roop reddy (111) | asked May 06 '14, 1:08 p.m.
edited May 06 '14, 1:11 p.m.

 We  have been using RRC(version 4.0.3) as  our requirement repository. In our existing process we are uploading the Word doc,converting it into a RRC compatible format and extracting requirements, creating collections and traceability links.The above mentioned scenario works fine.

Going forward we are planning to create req artificats off RRC by  leveraging the imported BRD/SRD template.(i.e  when creating an artifact with attributes, select artifact type as SRD,select initial value for artifact as SRD template. check open artifact and click ok, the artifact template will be open). There are few issues  associated with  working of these  templates and we are  looking at  any possible solution or release which would address these issues.

Mentioned  beneath are the  issues related to working of an RRC template.

1. Selecting a requirement and  inserting it for extraction   creates  duplicate requirements in the document .
2. Headers -  The system does not auto assign numbers to the new headers  created  in the document.Also it  does not auto -update the other headers.
3. Table of Contents is not displayed, there is no option for spell check
4. Cutting  and pasting items  from a external word document  into the template impacts formatting - fonts change, 
   inserts new requirement numbers which are not continuous, keeps inserting spaces etc .

5. Images have to be converted to png . If we don't do so we cannot save the doc as word or pdf and print it.

6. Hyperlinks and embedded images also pose a challenge when  trying to save the doc as word or pdf.

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Mike Jaworski (1.4k6) | answered May 07 '14, 8:39 a.m.

I'm not sure that I can answer all of your specific questions, but I do know that one of our RRC customers using 4.0.3 reported many of these same issues when importing Word documents, and reported a few PMRs through Rational Support. As far as I know, most of these issues were resolved in the 4.0.5 and 4.0.6 releases. 

My best advice to you would be to set up a test 4.0.5 or 4.0.6 server, and test your use cases on this test server to see if these issues are resolved in that release. If you do see better behavior, my suggestion would be an upgrade to the release which provides the functionality you need.

Sorry if this answer is a bit vague, but I hope it helps!
Mike Jaworski

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