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How may I list ALL artifacts of a given Artifact Type in RRC irrespective of what "folder" it lives in?

John Scarpelli (46257) | asked Oct 03 '12, 2:57 p.m.
I'm new to Rational Requirements Composer.  I simply want a listing of ALL artifacts of a given Artifact Type, regardless of what folder or folders they may happen to be defined in.  Is it not possible to "search" and apply filters globally??  Or is filtering limited to a single folder??

Along the same lines, how may I get a listing of ALL objects (artifacts), regardless of Artifact Type or what "folder" they may happen to reside in??

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John Scarpelli (46257) | answered Oct 03 '12, 3:32 p.m.
Never mind!  I just discovered I had forgotten to clear the folder filters first!  Once that's done, all other filters may be applied "globally".
Daniel Moul selected this answer as the correct answer

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