Can you clarify how tagging works in modules?
Accepted answer
I'll try creating views based on tags and I think that should work.
I do have another question: Why is it that artifacts in a module are treated differently than the base artifacts? I train several project teams on use of the Rational tools, and most users find that confusing (me included.) I think it would be much easier to treat modules in the same way that you treat collections. As it is, it looks like there are duplicate artifacts out there because you have a base artifact and a module artifact. And since you can view the details from the base artifact in the module, it would be nice if you could view changes made in the module in the base artifact as well. Let users create duplicates if they want to treat the artifacts differently. In most cases, I would think wherever you go to edit the individual artifacts, those edits should be reflected everywhere else you can access that artifact.
I agree this is somewhat confusing. However, the content of the artifacts does not differ between the base and the artifact in a module; you can change the content from the base artifact or from any module where it's used, and that change will be reflected everywhere. The same is true for any attributes of the artifact. It actually is the same artifact.
2 other answers
Depending on how you work on the module artifacts, here is what you can do.
1. Suppose you work in a module view and identify an artifact that needs tagging. Hover over the artifact Id to check the details of the artifact - existing tags (of the base artifact) should appear under the "Location" section. If no tags are defined yet, put the artifact Id in the top right search box and open the artifact in the search result in a new browser window and add tags there. Note: do not add the "tags" column in the module view as it shows the tags of the module artifacts and will make you confused.
2. If you always open the module artifact itself, click on the second icon in the top right icon list, which reads "include links, tags and comments from the base artifacts" and check whether the base artifact has any desired tags. If not, follow the same process of searching by Id and adding tags.
Once you add tags to the base artifacts, you can filter by tags when adding artifacts to a collection.
Yeah....figured it out. I tried to edit my response, but I guess I wasn't fast enough. I know better since I train these tools, but I was totally focused on the options at the top of the grid and the top of the module. I'm testing the linking now, and hopefully it works like I need it to. Thanks for your help!
One last question: Can you set a default view for modules? I thought I saw a way to do this before, but I can't find it now and I've searched and can't find it there.
No, not yet. This is something we hope to add soon though.
Thanks. Very helpful!