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Can you clarify how tagging works in modules?

Dolores Vogel (1031337) | asked Mar 14 '14, 10:27 a.m.
When I create a tag for an artifact within a module, I cannot see if it I open the base artifact outside of the module. Is there a way to copy these tags? Or, can you help me with a work-around for this scenario:

I have a document with several individual requirements. I'm importing this document into a module and using text delimiters to create individual artifacts for all of the specific requirements. My team then needs to review the module (or all the requirements) to tag the ones that need to be tested.I want to create a collection (or a module) of all the requirements that need testing so I can link it to a development plan and test plan to generate stories and test cases. I know that I can just import the requirements and tag at that level, but I'm using the module because it's much easier for the team to complete their reviews.

Several of the artifacts are tagged for testing. However, I cannot filter by that tag to find them to add them to the collection. I've tried copying artifacts and copying the entire module, but neither copy retains the tags. I've even gone to the base artifacts to see if the tags are there, but they are not even though the base artifacts that are created in a separate folder have the same IDs as the artifacts within the module. As a last resort, I opened the module, opened an artifact tagged for the test collection, and wanted to either use the option at the top to add it to a collection or move it to another folder so I could sort that way. Unfortunately, those two options are not available when you open the artifact from within the module. I can copy the artifact and store the copy in the folder, but then I have three versions of the same artifact - the base, the one in the module, and the copy - and that doesn't seem like a good solution.

So, short of making my team go through the artifacts one by one to tag them, is there an easy way to accomplish the review and the creating of my test collection?

My solution right now is to record the IDs of the artifacts tagged for testing and use that to find the artifacts and add them to the test collection, but will be very tedious.

I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks!

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Mar 17 '14, 9:43 a.m.
 Dolores, are you just looking to put some artifacts within a module into a collection so that you can link that collection to a development or test plan?  

If so, I think there's a better way than creating a collection.  As of 4.0.5, you can link a development or test plan to a module view.  So if you create a view from the module that shows you all the artifacts with the tag you are using (or whatever you are using to identify what is ready to be tested), and save that view (be sure to *not* choose the option to use the option to "Use in all modules"; for now, those views cannot be linked), you can link to that saved view from a test plan or a development plan.  The module view will essentially be treated like a collection.

If the above doesn't help you, and you really do want to put some of the artifacts that are in the module into a collection, I'd like to understand a little more about why.  As you've found, it's not easy to put artifacts that you've identified into a collection.  But we're not sure this is a common usage pattern, and if we're wrong, we'd like to understand the usage pattern more.  

Dolores Vogel selected this answer as the correct answer

Dolores Vogel commented Mar 17 '14, 10:00 a.m. | edited Mar 17 '14, 10:05 a.m.

I'll try creating views based on tags and I think that should work. 

The only reason I'm using a module is to simplify our team review. If they look at the artifacts in a module, it's easier for them to see the detail, and they can tag the individual artifacts that need testing and the ones that need research. Also, it retains the structure of our original document so it's a lot easier to follow.


Dolores Vogel commented Mar 17 '14, 10:10 a.m.

I do have another question: Why is it that artifacts in a module are treated differently than the base artifacts? I train several project teams on use of the Rational tools, and most users find that confusing (me included.) I think it would be much easier to treat modules in the same way that you treat collections. As it is, it looks like there are duplicate artifacts out there because you have a base artifact and a module artifact. And since you can view the details from the base artifact in the module, it would be nice if you could view changes made in the module in the base artifact as well. Let users create duplicates if they want to treat the artifacts differently. In most cases, I would think wherever you go to edit the individual artifacts, those edits should be reflected everywhere else you can access that artifact. 

Kirk Grotjohn commented Mar 17 '14, 10:24 a.m.

I agree this is somewhat confusing.  However, the content of the artifacts does not differ between the base and the artifact in a module; you can change the content from the base artifact or from any module where it's used, and that change will be reflected everywhere.  The same is true for any attributes of the artifact.  It actually is the same artifact.  

However, there are a few things that can be specific to an artifact based on it's context (e.g., what module it is in).  If you create a comment, links or tag on an artifact in the context of a module, it is only applied to that artifact in the context of that module.  Sometimes a comment made on an artifact in the context of one module may not make any sense in the context of another module, so we keep these separate.  

2 other answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 16 '14, 8:26 p.m.
As you have already found out, the module artifact and the base artifact has their own tags, and you cannot put a module artifact into a collection. So you should stick to the base artifacts whenever possible. For this purpose, you should be aware of the situations where you have access to a base artifact. I would suggest you always use "search by id" to access to the base artifact and add tags to it.
Depending on how you work on the module artifacts, here is what you can do.
1. Suppose you work in a module view and identify an artifact that needs tagging. Hover over the artifact Id to check the details of the artifact - existing tags (of the base artifact) should appear under the "Location" section. If no tags are defined yet, put the artifact Id in the top right search box and open the artifact in the search result in a new browser window and add tags there. Note: do not add the "tags" column in the module view as it shows the tags of the module artifacts and will make you confused.
2. If you always open the module artifact itself, click on the second icon in the top right icon list, which reads "include links, tags and comments from the base artifacts" and check whether the base artifact has any desired tags. If not, follow the same process of searching by Id and adding tags.
Once you add tags to the base artifacts, you can filter by tags when adding artifacts to a collection.

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Mar 17 '14, 10:16 a.m.
On the left side of the module, you should see a side bar with 3 sections: Views, Filter by Tag and Filter by Attribute.  (If you don't see this, the left side bar might be collapsed, and you can expand it by clicking the arrow in the middle of the narrow space just to the left of the module.)  In the Filter by Tag section, select the tag you want to filter on (it will only show artifacts in the module with that tag).  Note that this only includes tags on artifacts applied in the module and will ignore tags on the base artifacts.  Be sure no other filters (e.g., filter by attribute) are on, or this may further reduce the artifacts showing.  

If you want to return to this view frequently, you can save it in the Views section.  

Dolores Vogel commented Mar 17 '14, 10:21 a.m.

Yeah....figured it out. I tried to edit my response, but I guess I wasn't fast enough. I know better since I train these tools, but I was totally focused on the options at the top of the grid and the top of the module. I'm testing the linking now, and hopefully it works like I need it to. Thanks for your help! 

Dolores Vogel commented Mar 17 '14, 10:28 a.m.

One last question: Can you set a default view for modules? I thought I saw a way to do this before, but I can't find it now and I've searched and can't find it there.

I have a tag view set up that displays the tags so my team can go complete their reviews. This one will not be linked and I am using it in all modules. I'd like for it to be the default view.


Kirk Grotjohn commented Mar 17 '14, 10:36 a.m.

No, not yet.  This is something we hope to add soon though.  

Not that it's the same, but note that you can bookmark views.  If you open the menu on a view, you can choose "Show Permalink" to get a bookmark that will open to that view.  If users come in from that bookmark, it will open the module to that view.  

Dolores Vogel commented Mar 17 '14, 10:49 a.m.

Thanks. Very helpful! 

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