ccm_upgrade.bat usage
WAS as the app server. The usage as per the upgrade instructions in the Info center:
upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome "C:\IBM\ CCM_3.x \server\conf" -newJTSHome "C:\IBM\JTS_4.0\server\conf" -oldJTSHome "C:\IBM\JTS _3.x \server\conf"
"-oldJTSHome" is a required parameter? ccm_upgrade.bat doesn't seem to take it!
Accepted answer
5 other answers
The JFS indices (
fulltext indices (
In order to avoid a re-index which can take a long time depending on the size of your repository, the upgrade script attempts to copy over your previous indices from the 301x to the 40 directory. Since this is WAS, see the link below for a walkthrough example and some explanations on what to do based on whether you had a relative or an absolute directory path location for your property values above.
if you wish to avoid the access denied error, perhaps you need to run the cmd prompt as an Administrator. If it still does not work, then proceed to handle the index files transfer and update of the index file locations for your 40 configuration MANUALLY.
As Ralph stated, you can continue with the next upgrade steps like addTables and just perform the copy manually.
See the CLM 2012 upgrade guide and search for 'index location' for more details and background info.
Please see below. All the config files are merged successfully and I still get "Access denied" message. Why is this?
The configuration files are merged successfully.
A notepad editor will be opened to let you verify the JTS
Verify that the Public URI root denoted by the
bapp.url property is correct.
Verify that the database properties are correct.
When done, save your changes if any and close the editor to continue the script
Consult the 'Upgrading the Jazz Team Server and the CLM applications' topic of t
he InfoCenter
for information on how to properly configure each property:
Enter [C] to continue the execution or hit [Enter] to cancel the script executio
Access denied
Step 1: Add tables
Directory: "C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer_4.0\server"
repotools-jts.bat -addTables
you are probably seeing
I ran into the same thing and I am not sure what it is, however, I was able to continue the upgrade and finished it successfully. I will try to get someone to look at the work item.
Correct parameters:
upgrade\jts\jts_upgrade.bat -updateTomcatFiles=no -oldJTSHome "C:\IBM\JTS _3.x \server\conf"
upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome "C:\IBM\ CCM_3.x \server\conf" -newJTSHome "C:\IBM\JTS_4.0\server\conf"
In the help, -oldJTSHome parameter is given to ccm_upgrade.bat rather than to jts_upgrade.bat