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What's a project inside a command?

Jirong Hu (1.5k9293258) | asked Aug 23 '12, 11:47 a.m.
I have a project/library can't be deleted. Then I find some projects include it in the following way after export it, but I can't find this step in the including project. What does the following mean?


  <project access="6" active="Y" name="HandleTimeouts" primary="0" selectorId="Select_BuildForge1" maxthread="0" increment="Y" tagsync="0" buildclass="CleanUp" sticky="N" envId="0" tag="BUILD_$B" id="128" exclusive="1">
    <tagvar autoincrement="Y" name="B" id="1">1</tagvar>
    <step absolute="Y" failwait="N" selectorId="" dir="/" broadcast="N" timeout="300" id="1" passwait="N" inline="N" threadable="N" access="6" active="Y" passnotify="0" description="Retag" onfail="C" failnotify="0" envId="0">
      <command>.bset env

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David Brauneis (50611) | answered Sep 13 '12, 1:15 p.m.
I'm not seeing the reference that you are talking about but that is OK...

 Have you tried looking in the lower left hand portion of the screen (in the Navigation area) to see what is referencing that specific Project? Also, do you have build results for this Project still around? I believe those need to be cleaned up.

Jirong Hu commented Sep 13 '12, 2:50 p.m.

Posted is part of an exported project xml file.

See <project access="6" active="Y" name="HandleTimeouts"? I was asking what does this mean in an exported project file xml? What's the relationship between project HandleTimeouts and the current project.

David Brauneis commented Sep 13 '12, 3:11 p.m.

But without understanding the set of Projects involved and how they relate to one another, it does not mean a lot to me... I do not see the Project reference to the second Project/Library, maybe you could explain by name what Project is referencing what other Project.

I'm trying to give you some help here but not knowing the environment, I'm just giving best guess answers.

You always have the option of opening a PMR and working this through the support process.

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