adaptor JazzJBE not found
I was trying to connect RTC and Build Forge as described here:
The checkout from RTC fails. The last lines from the log file look like this:
Adaptor using env name 'RTC checkout' for macro [ADAPTOR].
Interface Processor Loaded.
Parsing Adaptor XML.
Loading source adaptor JazzJBE
The adaptor could not be found.
Any idea how I can help Build Forge to find the missing adaptor?
Kind regards
2 answers
The adaptor xml files are located in the ../Platform/interface directory. Among some other files there are a JazzJBE.xml and a JazzSCM.xml. If a build step with .source JazzJBE gets executed BF returns an error complaining the adaptor can't be found. When changing the step to .source JazzSCM the content of the JazzSCM.xml is listed in the log file and BF starts to process the adaptor. Coping the content of JazzJBE.xml to JazzSCMxx.xml allows to run the adapor and to do the checkout from RTC. It looks like there is some kind of filter which allows JazzSCM*.xml but not JazzJBE*xml.
Not sure this is a bug or a feature.
Regards, Steffen