RTC: How to define execution items in the plan ?
We use a lot of different work item types - execution items, meeting minutes, ... in the project.
And we want to limit the number of work item types shown in the iteration plan.
I found the area to define plan items. I'm searching for the area to define execution items.
Please help. Thanks.
Best regards !
And we want to limit the number of work item types shown in the iteration plan.
I found the area to define plan items. I'm searching for the area to define execution items.
Please help. Thanks.
Best regards !
2 answers
I believe that the key point here is that there are work items that are logically neither plan items nor execution items, such as "risks", that you might want to exclude from your plans. If you want to define your own filters to exclude specific sets of work item types from your plans, you can do so via the process XML. See work item 228306 ( https://jazz.net/jazz/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/228306 ) for details.
From Planning perspective the work items types are categorized into the 2 categories.
- The Plan Items: These are work items types for top level planning and are estimated in user defined units.
- The Executions Items: These are the work items on which the actual work is done.
There is no other place to define the Execution types. The ones that are not marked as Plan Item types are the Execution Items.
May Wong
JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 24 '12, 10:09 p.m.Hi Katrin,
Can you please tell me why you need to define execution items? What does "execution item" mean for you?
In RTC web, if you select "Execution Items" from the filter drop down box, the work items such as defects, tasks used to execute a plan item or do the actual work will disappear from the plan view. This might be a bit confusing compared to the RTC client which clearly tells you the selected type is "Exclude" from a plan view.
We will work on improving the clarify of the Web UI on this. Just remember whenever a type is selected from the filter dropdown list, artifacts with the corresponding type will be excluded from a plan view.
We will also update our documentation to provide a better guidance on this.
If you have more thoughts or requirements wrt. this, please feel free to share with us. Thanks for using RTC and providing your feedback!