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How to give external users access to RTC/RM?

Becky McDermott (921140) | asked Dec 10 '15, 2:44 p.m.
I have read quite a few questions regarding how to give distributed team members/collaborators access to RTC/RM.  We are a government site with many security restrictions and we have another government customer/collaborator that we would like to provide visibility into our RTC/RM projects.

It seems like the IBM recommended way to do this is via a VPN tunnel.  Is this correct?

Are there any comprehensive articles on that explain all of the issues (reverse proxy, etc.)?

I am a technical person but not really a network guru.

Thank you,
Becky  McDermott

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Luis Peregrina (18114) | answered Dec 15 '15, 4:30 p.m.
Hello Becky, this question is a tricky one, you see it depends on the setup, what you have, what security levels you want or can remove, and in reality this is not handled by CLM, however I can share some thoughts. 

You say that there are many security restrictions, have you asked if legally can you provide such authorization to external parties? CLM as an application can live happily with other security mechanisms, such as firewalls and proxies (there may be some with user authentication).

VPN Tunneling is another way to handle access to the site. This way you may choose to provide the VPN information only to those you want. It's a seamless integration.

It really depends on what method you choose, but always remember to add a level of authentication before getting to the main site, think "boundary protection".

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