Can you put a Plan View widget from 4.0.3 on a 4.0.2 dashboard between "friended" projects?

When we try putting the Plan View widget from the CLM 4.0.1 RTC Project onto the CLM 4.0.2 RQM Project dashboard everything works fine.
Is there a limitation with placing Plan widgets on a downlevel dashboard (4.0.3 plan on 4.0.2 dashboard)? I looked in the application logs and couldn't find any errors.
Accepted answer


Thanks...I opened Defect 107750 against RQM with Filed Against = Dashboard & Viewlets.

So, I ran into a similar issue, but not with "friended" projects. The problem I had was with 4.0.3 itself. It appears to be a bug with 4.0.3 and the "Plan View" widget. 4.0.1 works fine, and, based on the comments in the defect called out above, 4.0.6 works fine (I haven't confirmed this as I don't have that version). 4.0.5 has a very odd issue with the Plan View widget. I tried displaying the Taskboard using this widget and it showed the taskboard, but the boxes representing the tasks were empty... hopefully 4.0.6 and beyond fix this issue.
One other answer

Plan View Widget errors when views are switched. All Plan View widgets in a dashboard are refreshed and columns reset to defaults if one the widgets is refreshed or its settings are changed. (303753)
The work is already in progress on this defect.

Thank you for the response. It doesn't seem to match my problem. I'm not doing any resizing or changing settings. I'm just adding the widget. It works fine when I add the Plan View widget from a 4.0.1 repository but just gets stuck on Loading when adding from a 4.0.3 repository. If it was the above problem I'd think it would fail for both repositories.
Michael Walker
Mar 06 '14, 1:37 p.m.bump bump bump