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How to add custom pop-up menu when doing right click in Rational Requirement Composer?

Ankit Jain (21137) | asked Aug 06 '12, 8:48 a.m.

Hi Everyone,

I've spent some hours with this issue and I haven't been able to find a solution.

I want to add a pop-up menu when a user will right click in Rational Requirement Composer. The pop-up menu will then has functionality to perform some actions in RRC.

I want to know how to add a custom pop-menu in RRC and where should I write the code so that it can perform any desired operation?

Appreciate your quick response.

Thanks in advance.

Ankit Jain

2 answers

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William Andreas (136) | answered Aug 06 '12, 9:46 a.m.
There is no way to provide a custom pop-up menu on the right mouse click in RRC.

Ankit Jain commented Aug 07 '12, 12:52 a.m.

Hi William,

Thanks for the response.

So is there any other way by which I can add customized button anywhere else other then the right mouse click?

Please suggest.

permanent link
Ankit Jain (21137) | answered Aug 07 '12, 2:00 a.m.
Please guide me if I can add another option in the Menu items available or any custome widget for this?

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