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CLM3.0.1.3 + Insight1.1: It seems that rqm3011.xdc doesn't work

I've faced problem with RQM ETL for CLM3.0.1.3+Insight1.1 environment.
RQM ETL job is failing while JFS and CCM work good. It seems that it's related to the rqm3011.xdc file.
I've following error during ETL jobs execution:
JobStream 'OOTBE2E'
JobStream 'CLM3.0.1.3_All'
[PROGRESS - 07:58:27] JobStream 'CLM3.0.1.3_All'; starting
[PROGRESS - 07:58:27] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS3.0.1_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 5716)
[PROGRESS - 07:59:56] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS3.0.1_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 07:59:57] JobStream Node 8 'RTC_ODS3.0.1.2_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 4932)
[PROGRESS - 08:03:49] JobStream Node 8 'RTC_ODS3.0.1.2_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 08:03:50] JobStream Node 4 'RRC_ODS3.0.1.1_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 6096)
[PROGRESS - 08:04:51] JobStream Node 4 'RRC_ODS3.0.1.1_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 08:04:51] JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 5776)
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] pid 5776 JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; reported the following:
(for details, see ..\datamanager\log\Job_RQM_ODS3_0_1_3_DeltaLoad_0005.log)
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; failed
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] pid 4964 Build Node 130 'RQM3_Category3011'; reported the following:
DM-DBM-0400 UDA driver reported the following on connection Rational Quality Manager:
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "fetch".
CRRRE9000E: Internal Java error, check ri_jdbc.log for details
I've installed Insight 1.1 fixpax02 but it didn't help.
I've faced problem with RQM ETL for CLM3.0.1.3+Insight1.1 environment.
RQM ETL job is failing while JFS and CCM work good. It seems that it's related to the rqm3011.xdc file.
I've following error during ETL jobs execution:
JobStream 'OOTBE2E'
JobStream 'CLM3.0.1.3_All'
[PROGRESS - 07:58:27] JobStream 'CLM3.0.1.3_All'; starting
[PROGRESS - 07:58:27] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS3.0.1_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 5716)
[PROGRESS - 07:59:56] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS3.0.1_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 07:59:57] JobStream Node 8 'RTC_ODS3.0.1.2_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 4932)
[PROGRESS - 08:03:49] JobStream Node 8 'RTC_ODS3.0.1.2_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 08:03:50] JobStream Node 4 'RRC_ODS3.0.1.1_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 6096)
[PROGRESS - 08:04:51] JobStream Node 4 'RRC_ODS3.0.1.1_DeltaLoad'; succeeded
[PROGRESS - 08:04:51] JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; executing (pid 5776)
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] pid 5776 JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; reported the following:
(for details, see ..\datamanager\log\Job_RQM_ODS3_0_1_3_DeltaLoad_0005.log)
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] JobStream Node 5 'RQM_ODS3.0.1.3_DeltaLoad'; failed
[PROGRESS - 08:05:27] pid 4964 Build Node 130 'RQM3_Category3011'; reported the following:
DM-DBM-0400 UDA driver reported the following on connection Rational Quality Manager:
UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation "fetch".
CRRRE9000E: Internal Java error, check ri_jdbc.log for details
I've installed Insight 1.1 fixpax02 but it didn't help.
Accepted answer

Hi Timur,
Do you have a project called "Quality Manager"? If not, this URL will fail. You will need to download the XDC file from qm/admin -> Reports -> Downloads in order to generate a new one that contains the appropriate projects (if for example, new projects have been added/deleted). Hope it helps,
Do you have a project called "Quality Manager"? If not, this URL will fail. You will need to download the XDC file from qm/admin -> Reports -> Downloads in order to generate a new one that contains the appropriate projects (if for example, new projects have been added/deleted). Hope it helps,
Timur Markunin
Aug 06 '12, 7:41 a.m.It seems that URL defined in the XDC file doesn't wotk URL: https://vhost0191.dc1.on.ca.compute.ihost.com:9443/qm/secure/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/Quality+Manager