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DOORS and Insight Integration

MiYoung Hong (134) | asked Mar 06 '14, 5:55 a.m.
edited Mar 06 '14, 5:57 a.m.

I 'm trying to extract data from doors using REST services. (DOORS and Insight 1.1.3)

But I got a error like below when I tried to run the CLM4.0.5_all Job in RM_ODS.

This is the context and error message.  Could anybody help me how to solve this problem?
Run context:
JobStream 'RM4.0.5'
 JobStream 'RM_ODS4.0.5_DeltaLoad'
  JobStream 'RM_ODS4.0.5'
   JobStream 'DOORS_PROJECT'
    Build 'DOORSProject'

[PROGRESS   - 19:43:00] Fact Build 'DOORSProject'
[PROGRESS   - 19:43:00] Parsing Reference Definition
[PROGRESS   - 19:43:00] Validating Build Specification
[PROGRESS   - 19:43:02] Checking Fact Data existence

03/06/2014 19:43:02,345 INFO  Thread-5 : CRRRE1219I: initial URL request => http://rationaldemo:8080/dwa-rrtranslator/publish/linktypes/*?resetDataset=true&size=1&modifiedsince=1899-12-31T00:00:00.000%2B0900
03/06/2014 19:43:04,628 ERROR Thread-5 : An exception occurred when connecting to the remote server: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://rationaldemo:8080/dwa-rrtranslator/publish/linktypes/*?resetDataset=true&size=1&modifiedsince=1899-12-31T00:00:00.000%2B0900
03/06/2014 19:45:40,310 ERROR Thread-5 :

5 answers

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Mar 06 '14, 6:04 a.m.
Hello MiYoung,

HTTP error 500 usually means that the source application (DOORS in this case) had an internal error.
To further troubleshoot I would suggest 2 things:
  1. Try to paste the URL in the error message in your browser address bar, logging is as the same DOORS user that is configured in the xdc file, ans see what happens.
  2. Check the DOORS logs at the time the error 500 occurs for error messages.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered Mar 06 '14, 7:36 a.m.
It's the DWA festival logs that are important on DOORS side - server/festival/logs

I would also double check also that you have set <f:property name="disable.oauth" value="true" /> in the festival.xml.

And that working set defined in DOORS is not the entire database (assuming that is large).  Just add a couple of modules to begin with.  

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jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | answered Mar 17 '14, 7:01 a.m.
I'm not an expert, but I thought that Doors 9.5.2  ifix 1 was compatible with CLM 4.0.6 and Doors 9.5.2 with CLM 4.0.5.  Maybe I'm wrong.

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Kenji Sarai (96029) | answered Mar 27 '14, 12:47 a.m.
Does the target project contain Korean (double-byte characters)? Please try it with single-byte project name to isolate the problem. 

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jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | answered Apr 22 '14, 9:56 a.m.
Have you tried https://<servername + https port> /dwa-rrtranslator/publish

When setting up the doors_rrc.xdc file with XML Data Configuration tool instead of http.

I have got a similar problem with Insight + Doors + CLM 4.0.6.

Specifying with https has solved my problem

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