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Insight did not checkout license from Rational License server

I have downloaded Rational License server v8.1.4 and installed on the Insight server itself without any issue. I started the license daemon lmgrd -c license.dat -l license.log. Then, I ran the .../rrdi/setup wizard and provided the license server information (27000@licenseServer). It looks fine when I tailed the license log and found checkout & checkin.
The problem is that when users logged in to the Insight server (http://clminsite-X:9081/reporting) and it showed that this is using trial license 120 days. Don't know why it did not pick up the licenses from the license server.
Can you shed some light on this?
$cat license log:
7:49:13 (ibmratl) Serving features for the following vendor names:
ibmratl rational tlog_state telelogic tlog_rhaps
18:09:04 (ibmratl) TCP_NODELAY NOT enabled
18:09:04 (ibmratl) OUT: "insight_user" anonymous@clminsite-X [anonymous_10.70.213.96]
18:09:04 (ibmratl) IN: "insight_user" anonymous@clminsite-X [anonymous_10.70.213.96]
Ieng Lao
3 answers

which type of licenses are you using? Floating or Authorized User?
In the second case you need to create an ibmratl.opt file as described here:
Activating Rational Insight licenses
Also If you cannot access the technote link in the post above you can try this:
Best Regards

I would manually check the connection for the report server:
On Windows systems, the license server settings, such as the host and port number, are stored in the Windows registry. You must use the Rational License Key Administrator (LKAD) to configure the report server to point to the license server. LKAD automatically updates the Windows registr with the new license server settings.
On Linux systems, the license server settings, such as the host and port number, need to be specified through the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment entry in WebSphere® Application Server.
Rational Insight licenses
Best Regards