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ClearQuest Bridge

Manoj Panda (39346762) | asked Jul 31 '12, 12:12 p.m.

I am trying to integrate CQ ( with RTC 4.0. Almost I followed procedure to use the CQ bridge for RTC.
I am able to create a link from RTC work item to CQ ( either I can able to create a new record in CQ or linking with existing record)

But reverse way is not working. I should able to create or Link to a RTC work item from CQ record.

Go to CQ web, create a new record(defect), click on link tab and then click on related artifact.
When I click I get the following Error in dilog box " TypeError: str.indexOf is not a function"

And then when I click OK,

I get the dilog box with the repository name and then the 2 radio button like link to existing and create New.

but everything is disable. I have only option to click on cancel button.

Please help. Is there anything I am missing. I am using latest OSLC link package that is 1.2.

(sorry i could not able to paste the screenshot)

Guido Schneider commented Nov 01 '12, 7:36 a.m.

Where you able to solve this?

I have exactly same issue with CQ8.0.0.4 and RTC4.0.0.1. Same error message etc.

I checked the oauth firiend and consumer settings on CQ and on Jazz. The keys are the same.

I do not have any idea where to search. I assume it must be on the Jazz side, because the same CQ system works with another Jazz system which runs v.

2 answers

permanent link
VK L (8177156159) | answered Aug 02 '12, 12:49 a.m.
Hi Manoj,
                 Is there detailed errors in the Sysout log file on web server? OAuth setup on both RTC and CQ Side?


Manoj Panda commented Aug 02 '12, 1:08 a.m.

Hi Valli, OAtuth setup has been done in both you know the path for the log file???

Manoj Panda commented Aug 02 '12, 1:34 a.m.

Hi Valli, Here is the log file

[8/2/12 10:43:19:913 IST] 0000001a CqOAuthClient E exchangeRequestTokenForAccessToken Unable to retrieve accessor for token [8/2/12 10:44:46:101 IST] 0000001a CqOAuthServle I logRequest ClearQuest REST: POST http://mapanda3/cqweb/oauth-request-token/8.0.0 [8/2/12 10:45:14:489 IST] 0000001a CMLogger I createSession CRVSV0901I ClearQuest login of user: manoj -- 8.0.0/def on server

permanent link
VK L (8177156159) | answered Aug 02 '12, 1:40 a.m.
Ok...From this, it looks like the auth is not happening. Please verify if the auth is approved on both sides and if its working.

Manoj Panda commented Aug 02 '12, 1:54 a.m.

Hi Valli, I understand that there may be some miskate where i am not able to catch this. can you please let me know your email id so that I can able to send you the complete snapshot. or for quick resolve, we can disucss on phone. please let me know your contact no.

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