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Restrict read access on files/folders (SCM) - RTC v3.0.1.1

2 answers


Thanks David..
Any possibility of writing a plugin to act on the load operation while users try to load files from the stream? (or) Having a separate stream to manage these files - but i think in this case, setting a flow-target wold cause problems by bi-directional flow.

I don't know if a plugin can be written to control the loading of certain files. I don't think RTC was designed to be extended in that way, so I imagine it would be at least difficult if not impossible.
Having a separate stream for the restricted files would make it difficult for unauthorized users to see them, but not impossible. And it would complicate the job of the people who need to manage both the restricted and unrestricted files.
The way to manage read access of files is to put them in different components. You haven't explained yet why you can't use that approach.