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Gidi Gal (962058) | asked Nov 12 '18, 10:49 a.m.
edited Nov 12 '18, 11:02 a.m.
I created a plugin with extension I gave it the priority value of 1 and set it with class AcceptPermanentlyCertificateHandler. Here is its definition:

public class AcceptPermanentlyCertificateHandler implements ICertificateHandler {

    public Trust evaluate(ITeamRepository repository, X509Certificate certificate, CertificateException problem) {
        return Trust.ACCEPT_PERMANENT;

Sometimes, when connecting a server for the first time - this plugin is not called and I get the certification dialog.
Any ideas what I can check in order to solve this issue will be warmly appreciated. Is there any log file in the server which might supply information ? Any entry point in RTC client SDK I should place a break point ?
Also, since this does not happen always - I am looking for any server settings I should compare in order to understand the difference in behavior.

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