Custom Widget on Personal Dashboard
Most of my custom widgets (OpenSocial Gadgets) run fine on the personal dashboard using the JTS proxy service to ask for data from CCM and DOORS. However, when I have a curly brace it seems to break.
For example, this returns data:
AND this returns data:,dc:title
AND this returns data:,dc:title,rtc_cm:state
BUT this returns a blank response:,dc:title,rtc_cm:state{}
The response is blank when going through proxy, but this also returns data:,dc:title,rtc_cm:state{}
However, since our apps are hosted on different servers, I need to use the proxy service to ask JTS to retrieve the data when it is coming from CCM.
Does anyone know how I can properly escape the { and } in my query url to get the proxy service to use it?
Thank you!
Dave Evans
Dec 20 '24, 2:02 p.m.Note: There is an asterisk between the curly braces to ask for all sub-level properties of the state, but trimmed by the forum. {*}