SQL DB error

Save Failed. Error: CRJAZ0329I SQL statement execution failedVendor specific exception SQL: Update {REPOSITORY.ITEM_CURRENTS} WITH (ROWLOCK) Set {STATE_UUID} = ? Where {ITEM_UUID} = ? And {STATE_UUID} = ? SQL Exception #1 SQL Message: The transaction log for database 'ccm' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases SQL State: S0002 Error Code: 9002 Class: com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.dataaccess.UpdateItemCurrentRow Item Handle: com.ibm.team.repository.common.model.impl.ContributorDetailsImpl@5abf5abf (stateId: [UUID _bIt5wdp-EeGT5pZy0Ebu9g], itemId: [UUID _9xGzAMnIEeGk1YpLlssSXQ], origin: , immutable: true) (contextId: [UUID _8lNyYNwSEd2pIJ5QVwgQGg], modified: 2012-07-30 15:40:31.964, workingCopy: ) (mergePredecessor: null, workingCopyPredecessor: , workingCopyMergePredecessor: , predecessor: [UUID _8gKMYtToEeGHma4VOnjf9w])
I can't save a work item or for that matter can't save anything. Any tip?