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Multi lingual artifacts

Kurt Vanhaesebrouck (1111) | asked Jul 19 '12, 8:22 a.m.


in a country with 3 national languages (fg Belgium), it is important that the artifacts are described and discussed with the stakeholders in their mother tongue.

How can I, as business analyst, maintain the multiple languages of a requirement (Artifact) in RRC 4.0 and provide reports in the different natural languages?




3 answers

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Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Jul 23 '12, 4:53 p.m.
RRC can generate some of the report sections in different languages depending on the locale from the request. But it will not translate the text provided by the user, only some labels and tables that are created from the report, like the section titles, comments table (headers), etc...

There is no way to write an artifact in a language and get it translated automatically by the tool

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jul 23 '12, 5:01 p.m.
I have seen some customers store different languages in the same artifact by switching the browser language - for example Korean and English but no automatic translation between the two.

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Kurt Vanhaesebrouck (1111) | answered Jul 24 '12, 2:55 a.m.
 @ Robin Bater, did the customer modified the default "feature" artifact in a way that each feature has for each language a separate rich-text field fe: 
  • Feature 1 : 
    • Description EN: 
    • Description FR:
    • Description IT: 

has each feature a separate language artifact, linked to each other fe: 
  • Feature 1 EN: 
    • Description 
    • linked to : 
      • Feature 1 FR
      • Feature 1 IT  
  • Feature 1 FR: 
    • Description
    • linked to : 
      • Feature 1 EN
      • Feature 1 IT  
  • Feature 1 IT: 
    • Description 
    • linked to : 
      • Feature 1 EN
      • Feature 1 FR  

Robin Bater commented Jul 24 '12, 12:34 p.m.

The customer actually mixed the languages in an artifact similar to your first example, but personally I like the idea of embedded/linking, similar to your second example, better as it allows you tag, organize the languages together and use suspicion if you have an auditable link between the different language versions.

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