Extracting images in rich text fields using RPE

I defined a custom rich text section in an RQM test case template. In that rich text field for a particular test case, I added regular text, a table, and also pasted in an image from an external source. In the rich text field editor in the RQM web UI, I can see the image in there with the text and table. However, when I extract the field using RPE, I can only see the text and the table, but not the image.
I'm currently using RQM 3.0.1 and RPE Is it possible for me to extract images from rich text fields using RPE?
Note that I'm in the process of upgrading to version 4.0.1 of the CLM suite. What I'm particularly interested in is whether or not I can do the equivalent of this using the Requirements Management application of that suite (either RRC or DOORS Next Gen). Is it possible to paste in diagrams into a custom field of the 4.0 RM application and extract the diagrams using RPE?
I'm currently using RQM 3.0.1 and RPE Is it possible for me to extract images from rich text fields using RPE?
Note that I'm in the process of upgrading to version 4.0.1 of the CLM suite. What I'm particularly interested in is whether or not I can do the equivalent of this using the Requirements Management application of that suite (either RRC or DOORS Next Gen). Is it possible to paste in diagrams into a custom field of the 4.0 RM application and extract the diagrams using RPE?
One answer

Hi Joe,
If by pasting diagrams to a custom field, do you mean the URL to an image or the URL to a graphical artifact(usecase diagram, sketch, etc..) it is possible to use this as a source for an RPE Image Element or an specific datasource to get the rendering URL for a graphical artifact. For this I suggest you take a look at the printArtifact.dta included in the installation, it is a good sample on how to handle different type of artifacts with RPE. As for handling links you can take a look at the traceability.dta template on your installation as well, this in case you want to add graphical artifacts that are linked to your requirement.
If you mean having a graphical artifact or an image embedded in your requirement, this is handled automatically by RPE when rendering the content of this artifacts.