Pulling custom workflow states into RRDI
2 answers
Hi Anderson,
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that did not work for me (using request state and request status). The states I was able to find were the OSLC groups which are closed, fixed, in progress, approved, reviewed, and verified. These however are not the ones I'm looking for. I created custom workflow states that appear in the dropdown that you see on the top right corner of the work item. Any idea how to pull this attribute out of RRDI?
Thanks for your help
what version of RTC and RRDI are you using? there was a bug where custom states didn't get copied into the warehouse.
Hi Sam,
I am using RTC 4.0.6 and RRDI version 2.0.6. Would this apply to my situation?
I don't think so, but it is useful info for others to help too
Hi Sam,
Do you know how I'd go about fixing this bug in the warehouse?
sorry. I do not.. it is supposed to be dynamic discovery of new data