Permissions priorities between project, team, iteration types, timelines and iterations
I'm customizing a project and i have a lot of custom permission between project , iterations and iteration types and timelines.
I want to know if there is a priority between each project area (iteration type, iteration, timeline, team area).
In fact I define a specific access permission in an iteration but not in the timeline containing it . A manager role can made a specific action "Agree" on a workitem in the iteration and in the timeline permission he cannot. But when my workItem is planed for the iteration considered before the "Agree" Action is refused for a user who have a manager role....and if i check the permission in the timeline it's OK....
What's wrong in my configuration?
Thank you,
One answer
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Lily, that was a valid answer. Please make it an answer and not a comment next time. I don't want to have to convert all the valid answers from comments to answers. A comment would be if you have a question or are not sure or if you want to add some other useful information to an answer..