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Server administration - different screens for different members ?

John Schilt (6111822) | asked Jun 22 '12, 1:57 a.m.

When I log on as schiltj and look at the Server Administration Page, I see the following under Application Administration :

Change and Configuration Management (/CCM)

When another JazzID member logs on (mfcairns) and goes to the same Server Administration Page, they see :

Change and Configuration Management (Jazz)
Quality Management (QM)
Requirement Management (RM)

In the above case, the member mfcarirns was looking for a JazzHub Project that they had created (Winter 2012 Extension Studies UC) but could not find the project - probably cause they were looking under QM or RM projects, not Jazz projects.  Nevertheless, it was confusing.

Any reason for the different Server Administration pages ?


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VK L (8177156159) | answered Jun 22 '12, 7:33 a.m.
The only difference that i can think of is the differnce in the application access defined for the 2 users.
What is a JazzHub project that you have referred to - Is it a lifecycle project?


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