How to display State attribute as a list box in RTC
Currently "Workflow State" is a non-attribute based presentation availble in the header of the Work Item editor. This displays the current State of the Work item as the first entry in the list and allowable actions as remaining entires of the list.
I dont want to see the Actions in this list. I wanted to see the States in this list. It should display possible states to which the WI can be transitioned. How do I accomplish this ?
3 answers
I want to display the states in subject header of the notifications mail.
i am able to display the new state such as
(${change.isCreation}) which is new state but the other states are not getting displayed.
can u help me with the syntax of displaying the states in the subject header.
workItem.state helps in displaying the state in the body of the mail but not in the subject header of the notifications mail.