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What version of RSA will DM 4.0 require?

Petter von Dolwitz (561812) | asked Jun 04 '12, 4:47 a.m.

what version of Rational Software Architect (RSA) will be required to work with the Centralized design repository feature from DM 4.0? Would i be sufficient to install the Rational Software Architect Design Manager Client Extension on to RSA 8.0.x or will it require a future release of RSA (i.e. RSA

Accepted answer

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Don Yantzi (33644) | answered Jun 04 '12, 10:33 p.m.
Hi Petter,

The RSA DM M8 Beta 2 milestone works with RSA We intend that the next release would work with RSA and RSA 8.5 which was announced today. Standard disclaimers apply.

Don Yantzi
Petter von Dolwitz selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Petter von Dolwitz (561812) | answered Aug 16 '12, 10:28 a.m.

is RSA still supported by DM 4.0 RC4? I'm experiencing all sorts of issues using RSA with DM. Before I'm digging to deep: when I set the domains to work with from my project area I get the choice of selecting Rational Software Architect UML Domain. Setting the version on that domain gives me the choices <unset> and 0.1. I select 0.1. When I look at the dependecies of the project areas current configuration is says that I have dependecy towards Rational Software Architect System Domains (Version 8.5). Is this the correct dependency even if using RSA


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