DM 6.0 Finalization doesnt complete at step: Create Core System Domains Project Area
I have installed JTS\CLM 6.0 working fine. I needed to install Design Management afterwards.
I included Configuration Management /vvc and Design Management /dm in the Installation Manager. Installation was fine but setup has this problem.
/vvc has correctly finalised but /dm doesn't complete at the Create Core System Domains Project Area stage. It gives this error;
User: Admin GDay Rmps Request Line: POST https://sandcastervm400:9443/dm/dtkConfigure?action=installCoreSystemDomain HTTP/1.1 Rmps Request Headers: accept: */* x-ibm-rmps-internal: true x-com-ibm-team-scenario: 4d2b60e2-9827-4b9b-8bf0-c2bf428179a2;;extras=/dm/dm-setup content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest referer: https://sandcastervm400:9443/dm/dm-setup?embed=true accept-language: en-GB accept-encoding: gzip, deflate user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Pretend-to-be-IE7; rv:11.0) like Gecko host: sandcastervm400:9443 content-length: 0 dnt: 1 connection: Keep-Alive cache-control: no-cache cookie: JAZZ_AUTH_TOKEN=084c0c9ade674f7594736d702669b26f&1LhFhDQe7q2ler51g8HpBGLp44NVHZzod0LNX53dE; JSESSIONID=8444BA68A0CA646E610F447D2D4905F4;; JSESSIONIDSSO=F6E3B0B148C642306885EB44D7832B84 X-ibm-internal-dm-request-correlation-ID: fcda3fa2-e5e3-447f-ab34-85dd3363b951 Must be using a Stream Configuration to lock or save. Must be using a Stream Configuration to lock or save. 403
Can anyone advise what I need to do?
Thanks - Gary