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Q: Unable to complete VVC migration due to CRJAZ0106E error (ServiceUnavilable)

Shinji Kanai (591014) | asked Jun 05 '14, 11:13 a.m.

At the very end of migration process from v4.0.6 to v5.0 (RTC/RM/QM/RHP-DM/VVC all in single JTS), I run the following command to complete VVC migration process as I normally do for v4.0.x migrations:

repotools-vvc.bat -migration_vvc_updateResourcesCommand credentialsFile=credentials1.txt

And I ended up with the following error:

CRJAZ1398I Loading credentials from 'credentials1.txt'.
Starting upgrade process...
Upgrade did not complete successfully. Please see vvc.log for more details. CRJAZ0106
E The server is temporarily unavailable. The request for the following URL was denied: /vvc/upgrade/createProjects.

Didn't get any errors prior to this point. And, CLM/RM/JTS pages appears normal. Diagnosis page is not showing any errors; I haven't looked into DM/VVC pages as it might cause problems if I did so without completing the migration properly. CLM/DM Licenses for v5.0 is already installed successfully. Why I'm getting this problem???

DM.log says:
2014-06-05 18:46:07,326 [http-bio-9443-exec-20 @@ 18:46 <unauthenticated> /vvc/query] []  INFO  - CRJZS6069I The indexes in G:\Program Files\IBM\JTS_RDM_v5\server\conf\vvc\indices are being merged.
2014-06-05 18:46:09,904 [http-bio-9443-exec-20 @@ 18:46 <unauthenticated> /vvc/query] []  INFO  - CRJZS6061I The indexes in G:\Program Files\IBM\JTS_RDM_v5\server\conf\vvc\indices were merged in 4047 ms.
2014-06-05 18:46:09,935 [http-bio-9443-exec-20 @@ 18:46 <unauthenticated> /vvc/query] []  INFO  - CRJZS5800I  Private applications are using a transactional RDF index
2014-06-05 18:46:12,146 [http-bio-9443-exec-20 @@ 18:46 <unauthenticated> /vvc/query] []  INFO  - CRJZS5658I RDF indexer for private applications has started
2014-06-05 18:46:14,201 [http-bio-9443-exec-20 @@ 18:46 <unauthenticated> /vvc/query] []  INFO  - CRJZS5656I Text indexer for private applications has started
2014-06-05 18:46:16,638 [         http-bio-9443-exec-20] []  INFO  - The server has disabled support for all incoming requests since it is has detected that it needs to perform work before it can safely handle requests.  This mode was set by

It seems migration doc to DM v5.0 is not available yet in Information Center nor Knowledge Center, perhpas I don't have to run those commands below anymore???

repotools-vvc.bat -migration_vvc_updateResourcesCommand credentialsFile=credentials.txt
repotools-dm.bat -migration_dm_runUpgradeManager credentialsFile=credentials.txt

Please help me.. I got stack.

Best Regard,


Accepted answer

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Francois-xavier Panaget (58914) | answered Jun 05 '14, 12:12 p.m.
Hi Shinji,

I have not tried yet the migration but the vvc migration command for 5.0 seems to have changed and now is :
./repotools-vvc.bat -vvc_online_migrationCommand credentialsFile=credentials.txt fromVersion=<previous_version> logPort=52000 logLevel=DEBUG

and the DM one appears unchanged:
repotools-dm.bat -migration_dm_runUpgradeManager credentialsFile=credentials.txt

This is what I can see in the interactive upgrade of the server page on the following infocenter page.

If it keeps on failing, please contact your IBM Rational support team for assistance (let them know your OS and it versions, your DB vendor and version, and the application server).

Shinji Kanai selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Shinji Kanai (591014) | answered Jun 05 '14, 10:15 p.m.
Hi Francois,

Thank you for the information. You're right, I didn't notice the VVC upgrade command was updated. Help References in DM v5.0 page has to be updated, they are still pointing to v4.0.6 InfoCenter. After running the vvc command, I encountered the error below:

java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: INSERT on table 'VVC_CONFRESOURCE' caused a violation of foreign key constraint 'SQL140606044422221' for key (vvc:points/93).  The statement has been rolled back.

This problem has to be dealt separately. Wmmm let me see.  
Anyway, you helped me, thanks!


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