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Is there a 64 bit version of the Rational Software Architect Design Manager?

Christopher Schiltz (1126) | asked May 29 '13, 3:06 p.m.
retagged May 31 '13, 3:00 p.m. by Laura W. Hinson (16126)
Is there a 64 bit version of the Rational Software Architect Design Manager (RSADM)? Alternatively can the 64 bit Version of CLM work with the 32 bit version of the RSADM? I attempted to download the RSADM to an installed version of CLM and was told that I needed a separate instance of JTS.  i thought they were supposed to work together? I had downloaded and installed 4.0.2 CLM 64 bit version, and was attempting to add 4.0.2 of Design Manager. Where did I go wrong?

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered May 29 '13, 3:49 p.m.
According to this perhaps you need to have started from the DM installer and chosen both the DM and CLM pieces to install together. It may not be possible to add DM to an existing CLM 4.0.2 install.

However, it may be a matter of running the installer the right way.  The Getting Started for DM 4.0.2 says this:

There are three ways to integrate the Design Management capabilities with Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and Rational Requirements Composer:
  • (Standard approach) In IBM Installation Manager, add both the CLM and Design Management repositories to the preferences, and then install the CLM and Design Management installation packages at the same time.
  • Install Collaborative Lifecycle Management, and then install Design Management into the same package group.
  • Install Design Management, and then install Collaborative Lifecycle Management into the same package group.

See also

The Downloads tab does not make a distinction of 64 bit vs 32 bit, so it looks you just get one type of download.

This tpoic is also useful as it illustrates that you  have two options of how to deploy DM:

Bas Bekker commented May 29 '13, 4:20 p.m. | edited May 29 '13, 4:21 p.m.

I haven't installed Design Manager for a while, but if I remember correctly with the Installation Manager install steps, when are in the Location step, there is an Architecture Selection option, which let you select between 32 or 64 bit.

Christopher Schiltz commented May 29 '13, 4:22 p.m.


There is a distinction on downloading CLM of 32 bits vs 64 bits? So is the DM only one flavor? If it is 32 bits - can it work with CLM 64 bits?  Thank you

Rosa Naranjo commented May 29 '13, 5:36 p.m.

what did you see when you used the web installer downloaded from  I think when attempting to use the topology where you will add DM to an existing JTS/CLM topology, you will be installing DM and just adding it as a registered application with that JTS.  Otherwise you are installing DM with its own JTS and will have to friend the DM to the applications registered on the CLM installation's JTS.  I think what is happening is based on what you selected to install on the IM panels.  If you are going to just add DM to an existing CLM, just install DM and nothing else.

Rosa Naranjo commented May 29 '13, 5:39 p.m.

Rosa Naranjo commented May 29 '13, 6:00 p.m.

Rosa Naranjo commented May 29 '13, 6:03 p.m.

After downloading the web installer and choosing to only install DM, I then proceeded thru some IM dialogs where I indicated I was only going to install DM, either to its own package group or a new one.  Eventually I am presented with an architecture selection, which shows that you can select a 64 bit DM vs a 32 bit DM.  So, at this point, you can choose 64 bit DM.  You can either deploy DM unto the same app server as 402 or choose its own app server.  If you choose an existing package group where CLM 402 is installed then you will not be presented with the option to install Tomcat 7.

Bas Bekker commented May 29 '13, 6:08 p.m.

I downloaded the web installer for DM - IBM Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management 4.0.2 -,
and when going through Installation Manager and installing the server component, as in my comment above, it lets me select a 32 or 64 bit instance.

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