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Client Mail Configuration - Notify when work item was create

Thomas Loeber (62237950) | asked Sep 26 '11, 2:32 p.m.
In the RTC 3.0.1 client for Eclipse, the user can configure the email notifications by editing their User Profile. One of the check box rows has a label to notify me when "Work Item was created or reopened". Since the notifications are based on the user's relationship to a given work item, what does "When Work Item was created" mean?

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Lawrence Smith (3764) | answered Oct 04 '11, 8:56 p.m.
I believe "Work Item created or reopened" means that when you are added as a subscriber or assigned as an owner when the work item is created (before the first save), you will be notified. However, I think the creator is only notified if it is reopened, not on create.

Larry Smith

In the RTC 3.0.1 client for Eclipse, the user can configure the email notifications by editing their User Profile. One of the check box rows has a label to notify me when "Work Item was created or reopened". Since the notifications are based on the user's relationship to a given work item, what does "When Work Item was created" mean?

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