Build engine definition takes very long to load in Eclipse
when trying to open a build engine (editor) it takes very long to actually load. sometimes up to 5 minutes. But average is 1 Minute. The ID and Project/Team Area information is displayed instantly, but the rest of the Details takes extremely long.
In the Web UI it is much faster.
The build engine support ~200 build definitions.
We have a huge number of overall build Definition in the repo >> 200000
The build engine is a Jenkins engine.
we run RTC 6.0.4 Ifix005 Server
this is the metronome data, when opening the build engine
Service Method: Count, Time(s), Time(%), Avg.(s), Worst(s)
ITeamBuildService: 5, 0.291, 1, 0.058, 0.106
getBuildEngineStatusRecord: 3, 0.259, 1, 0.086, 0.106
getAncestorFolders: 2, 0.032, 0, 0.016, 0.017
IQueryService: 667, 46.631, 99, 0.07, 35.005
queryItems: 1, 35.005, 74, 35.005, 35.005
fetchPage: 666, 11.626, 25, 0.017, 1.744
IRepositoryRemoteService: 3, 0.026, 0, 0.009, 0.01
fetchOrRefreshItems: 3, 0.026, 0, 0.009, 0.01
ITeamRestServiceClient$IRestClientConnection: 2, 0.099, 0, 0.05, 0.089
doGet: 2, 0.099, 0, 0.05, 0.089
Perhaps someone can give me a hint if this is to be expected or extraordinary. ..