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Automatic Outgoing Sync for CQ Connector not working

Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | asked Oct 15 '10, 2:57 p.m.

I have setup the synchronizer on a few of our repositories in the past, and the automatic outgoing synchronization has worked correctly, as long as:

1. The Jazz admin console settings of Outgoing Synchronization is set to true, and the Outgoing Sync Task Fixed Delay is set to a non-zero value, and
2. In the external repository connection, the Disable Automatic Outgoing synchronization check box is not checked.

I am in the process of setting up a new respository with a new synchronization server, and incoming syncs are happening fine, and I can manually force outgoing syncs to happen, but for whatever reason, the Jazz server doesn't seem to want to wake up and automatically apply the pending outgoing syncs.

Are there any other settings that could be causing issues, or is there a log file on the Jazz server we can check for some sort of error? We tried restarting the Jazz respository, but that didn't seem to help. We have also tried adjusting the fixed delay value, also without success.


11 answers

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 18 '10, 4:44 p.m.
There is a jazz.log file in the logs directory that you can check for errors. Also, you can add tracing for the CQ Connector in the jazz server log by adding the following to the file:

You will have to restart the jazz server for the log4j modifications to take effect. There should be a message in the jazz server log indicating if outgoing sync is enabled or disabled.

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Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | answered Oct 19 '10, 5:03 p.m.
We enabled tracing on the jazz server. Here are some of the entries we got:

010-10-19 13:48:37,375 DEBUG - Found 4 sync rules for outgoing synchronization
2010-10-19 13:48:37,453 DEBUG - Synchronizing items for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.Users
2010-10-19 13:48:37,453 DEBUG - Searching for Contributor items that may need outgoing sync
2010-10-19 13:48:37,453 DEBUG - Query for modified items returned 0 result(s) in 0ms
2010-10-19 13:48:37,469 DEBUG - Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.component; skipping
2010-10-19 13:48:37,469 DEBUG - Synchronizing items for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.Defect_To_CQWorkItems
2010-10-19 13:48:37,469 DEBUG - Searching for WorkItem items that may need outgoing sync
2010-10-19 13:48:37,469 DEBUG - Query for modified items returned 0 result(s) in 0ms
2010-10-19 13:48:37,485 DEBUG - Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.project; skipping
2010-10-19 13:49:37,515 DEBUG - Found 4 sync rules for outgoing synchronization
2010-10-19 13:49:37,562 DEBUG - Synchronizing items for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.Users
2010-10-19 13:49:37,562 DEBUG - Searching for Contributor items that may need outgoing sync
2010-10-19 13:49:37,578 DEBUG - Query for modified items returned 0 result(s) in 0ms
2010-10-19 13:49:37,594 DEBUG - Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.component; skipping
2010-10-19 13:49:37,594 DEBUG - Synchronizing items for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.Defect_To_CQWorkItems
2010-10-19 13:49:37,594 DEBUG - Searching for WorkItem items that may need outgoing sync
2010-10-19 13:49:37,594 DEBUG - Query for modified items returned 1 result(s) in 0ms
2010-10-19 13:49:37,640 DEBUG - Query for items linked to proxies returned 3 results in 31ms
2010-10-19 13:49:37,656 DEBUG - Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.project; skipping

This last time, it seems like the outgoingSyncJob thread found my RTC change to a linked workitem:

2010-10-19 13:49:37,594 DEBUG - Query for modified items returned 1 result(s) in 0ms

however, the change was not pushed to ClearQuest (?) and it doesn't seem to have any errors indicating why it wasn't pushed to ClearQuest. Anything you can suggest?


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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 19 '10, 9:36 p.m.
I noticed the following in the log file:

Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.component; skipping

Outgoing synchronization not configured for sync rule rtc.clearquest.IMCS.project; skipping

So out of 4 sync rules, two of them are not configured for outgoing sync. Is that correct or are those sync rules not configured properly?

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Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | answered Oct 20 '10, 9:38 a.m.
They are correct. It is the same set of rules we use in our other setups where outgoing syncs work fine. Those 2 rules represent component and project record types synchronized in from ClearQuest, that are used as subordinate rules for entries in the Defect synchronization.

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 20 '10, 10:58 a.m.
By any chance is the CQ project record type mapped to the work item category (aka filed against field)?

Just to rule out that there wasn't some change to the sync rules which is causing the outgoing sync problem, can you delete the sync rules and re-import the original ones that have been successfully used in the past. Then make some change on the CQ side to cause incoming sync to occur and hopefully outgoing sync will happen automatically.

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Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | answered Oct 20 '10, 11:11 a.m.
I can do that, but I made a number of changes to the Defect one that I would rather not have to redo. Plus, if there was a problem with my synchronization rules, wouldn't that keep manual outgoing synchronizations from working? If I click the "Retry Outgoing Synchronization" button on the Synchronization Status record, the changes are successfully applied to ClearQuest.

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 20 '10, 11:38 a.m.
I'm not suggesting that you make a change to your sync rules, I just want to verify that no changes were accidentally made to them which may be causing the problem.

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 20 '10, 11:49 a.m.
Hopefully, you haven't deleted the sync rules yet. Before deleting the sync rules please export them as a backup.

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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Oct 20 '10, 11:51 a.m.
You do raise a good point about manual outgoing sync working.

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Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | answered Oct 21 '10, 5:08 p.m.
As it turns out, you were right, though I still find it confusing. I looked through my sync rules for any oddities, and found one in my defect rule. The "Item Type Qualifer" value in the rule was set incorrectly, to a workitem type from another repository. (not even sure how that was working at all, because it was creating workitems on incoming sync that showed up in the correct project area) Anyway, once I fixed that, automatic outgoing syncs for newly synchronized records is working fine.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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