BIRT Project versioning in the RTC
I'm having problems when a version of the BIRT Project.
Unversioned While the project would not have problems opening the files. ".rptdesign"
But after the project versioning in the RTC and open the files. ".rptdesign" I have the following problem:
Unversioned While the project would not have problems opening the files. ".rptdesign"
But after the project versioning in the RTC and open the files. ".rptdesign" I have the following problem: File not found: \ default \ RelatoriosTracking.rptdesign (The system can not find the path specified.)
at ( 78)
Error Code: Error.GUIException.invokedByIOException
Version: 2.5.2.v20100208
Plug-in ID:
Plug-in Name: BIRT Designer UI
Plug-in Provider: